There are far too many people bitching about other people misusing science to prove their points, only for those same people to misuse science themselves.
My point is this: I’m the first to admit the government is evil and manipulates the weather; but everyone is being tricked into giving the government more power than it actually has. They cannot “make” snow or rain; only nature can. They can however create conditions that dry-up moisture and cause drought, and alter patterns to move weather to certain locations via HAARP. The only reason Texas has a blizzard is because it’s been concentrated there, just like Hurricane Harvey (another time for that can of worms). Please go study Wilhelm Reich, Cosmic Orgone Engineering (the original term for geoengineering before it was cool), and learn what's really going on with who and what is terraforming the planet.
Yes, again, the government sprays, but they are duping you into believing they have power over this snow, and that’s simply untrue. This is far above the government, the banking families, satanists, etc. We live in a naturally wet realm, and if you take the time to study the bigger picture instead of simply believing everything you see on Instagram and Tik Tok, you’ll learn how little the government is actually involved. This is clear-cut controlled opposition. The earth is healing, slowly but surely. Part of that process is restoring all of the moisture that’s been suppressed for eons. If you honestly think this is the government just making snow, please visit my Best of Chemtrails page on my website. UPDATE: One more thing: the structure of snow crystals allows them to absorb pollutants from the air, much like a filter cleaning the air. As they fall to the ground in urban areas, they capture all kinds of pollution, including everything from car exhaust to large industrial pollution. It is unfair and misleading to jump immediately to the conclusion that any pollutants in the snow automatically means “it’s the chemtrails.” There are far too many people bitching about other people misusing science to prove their points, only for those same people to misuse science themselves. Visit my website to learn more about geoengineering, particularly the real truth behind it. It’s why those of us doing this work (busting towers and destroying the frequency fence) use the word “parasites” to describe the enemy who's behind all of this. Comments are closed.