Show me someone talking about drought and I’ll show you either a parasite, a government-paid shill, or a victim of the public education system.
Orgone energy stops geoengineering and manufactured drought. Start busting some towers.
I wrote a novel of a blog post highlighting the truth behind the Texas snowstorm, which I highly recommend if you haven’t read it. The article is A Fool is Born Every Minute, But a Hundred are Born Every TikTok Video.
PS, Arizona is far ahead of schedule for moisture this year. I’ve said it repeatedly; Orgone energy stops geoengineering and manufactured drought. Also, deserts are not natural. Visit my website to learn more! Side note; the part where I sound like I lost my train of thought was the result of seeing my wacky neighbor on her daily journey (by car) from her garage to her mail box). Quite a character. I keep an eye on the weather patterns everywhere we’ve gifted since moving to Arizona, especially the places we’ve not only busted towers, but where I’ve gifted the larger chembusters (if you’re not sure what a CB is, it’s the tall tower things you’ve seen on my page with copper pipes protruding upward toward the sky). Go read my Restore the Desert Project on my website to learn more.
I’ll say it again... Orgone energy stops geoengineering and manufactured drought. It also prevents and protects from not-so-wild wildfires created by psychotic and parasitic governments who push agenda 21/30. Hint hint. Start busting towers!
This post is part 2 of my previous post, How to Spot Fake Clouds 101. After busting towers on steroids during this shit show of a year, it takes a lot more energy for the parasites to cover the sky and stop the rain. Just look at my posts since January. This footage is about 30 minutes after clearing the sky of those DOR/electrosmog “arms” referenced in my post prior to this one. Today was HUGE for solar activity and it’s about to dump more water on Arizona by way of rain and snow. Side note, solar activity (cough FLARES cough) destroys AI... Just part of the massive multi-layer agenda. Also, rain shuts down 5G (so gee... I wonder why they block the sun and stop the rain)...DURP. The parasites are going all out with attempting to block the Sun now. If this clusterfuck of info is new to you, or you’re simply wondering “WTF is going on, Mitch,” please review the geoengineering portion of my website
Orgone energy stops geoengineering. Go bust some towers and see for yourself.
It is all HAARP. It is a bubble. And this is why it takes so much GD time, money, and energy to destroy HAARP with Orgone energy devices; because humans love their frequency fence creation devices.
In the past, days like today would be completely whited out in the sky; but because we’ve successfully destroyed the number of towers we’ve destroyed around here, the bubble appears sad and lonely as it tries to cover the sun. In my next post, see what happens when the parasites finally get their billion EMF sources calibrated and find a weak spot in the Orgone energy field. They start building sky-covering canopies from towers hidden at the tops of mountains and other hard to reach places for gifting orgonite, and watch how they create more of these connected “arms” of white shit in the sky. To those new to this info, this is what we call DOR (deadly Orgone radiation) aka electrosmog. It manifests from the collective frequency fence and allows geoengineering to occur in the first place. Not chemtrails; those are only a small piece of the puzzle. The REAL weapon is the towers. Still confused? Read my next post How to Spot Fake Clouds 102 to learn more. Friendly reminder to my followers on Mars; You can clear-up those chemtrails and DOR (deadly Orgone radiation) aka electrosmog by busting cell towers and emf sources with Orgone energy devices like towerbusters, earth pipes, and chembusters. I’m not sure how many towers you have on Mars, but judging by your footage, it looks like it’s roughly the same ballpark as Earth.
To learn more about geoengineering AND the solution to end it (both here and VERY abroad), visit my website
Please Consider Helping This Cause
If you live in Arizona and want to help this cause, please consider supporting my work by visiting my website and making a small donation toward my gifting efforts OR stop by my shop and pickup an earth pipe for yourself and your own property. You can make a donation by clicking HERE. In time, my goal is for the entire lava tube that is Arizona to be saturated with EPs so that every HAARP weapon, parasite, chemtrail, and frequency agenda shuffles its way into an obsolete and deleted timeline. FYI, some of y’all up north/NE of Arizona will benefit too when the jetstream is no longer clogged down here. If Orgone gifting were a video game, the HAARP/occult microwave known as Phoenix would be the final boss. Just something to think about. So much work ahead! Oh, and regarding the large earth pipes in the photo, the answer is 2-feet, and around 18 to 20 pounds each; because sometimes you're gonna need a bigger boat. |