I know you know this already, but “when you make time to focus and put your energy into something you love instead of the programmed matrix of boredom and societal expectations, it is amazing the level of creativity that comes out, and the fun you can have along the way.” -Me, 2018
I thought, what better way to spread Orgone energy knowledge than to put WHAT I DO on a functional device that also DOES exactly WHAT I DO. It’s like the ultimate business card; and any Orgone energy worker knows that busting towers is serious business! Side note, we had some more rain. Orgone energy stops manufactured drought. Pass it on.
Another beautiful day of rain, despite the parasites’ best (and failed) efforts of farming DOR and spraying all night long.
Chicago, and all of Illinois for that matter, are receiving so much rainfall this summer, and everything is growing like weeds. I smile when I think about the government actors and CEOs who are livid pissed that millions of humans haven’t had to water their gardens, lawns, trees, etc. once this summer, even with the manufactured heatwave a couple weeks ago. Drought is manufactured. Orgone energy stops it. Same with global warming. Pass it on. This flooding would never happen if the parasites did not geoengineer this planet to hell and back. EMF/DOR/chemtrails and the haarp network of cell towers, etc. suppress rain everywhere, causing drought, so the government and whatever parasitic entity is above them can usher-in nonsense like Californistan’s water restriction laws (there is no drought in CA, it’s all about control). Now that we’ve gifted thousands of towerbusters and countless Orgone toys (like chembusters and earth pipes) around Chicago and throughout Illinois and the Midwest, their attempts are failing. This heavy rain would balance and spread and never be “heavy” in the first place if they weren’t trying to move it away from dense populations, farmland, and anywhere that it is needed by humanity.
When you use orgonite, the planet will recalibrate, and in the case of this rain, Mother Nature is showing exactly how much rain has been suppressed and trapped in the atmosphere unnaturally. If everyone gifted every last tower on earth, rain would happen everywhere it is needed, only when it is needed, because their building/moving/suppressing efforts wouldn’t work. Oh, we’re also 20 degrees below average for temp. Why? Because those damn HAARP tower are used to manufacture the fake global warming agenda (FYI, 4th coldest April on record, and the wettest may on record, with June making records now too). I saw a new weather actor today try and push global warming as the reason for this rain. Nope. It’s just water being released from Geoengineering attempts. And you’re going to see more and more and more from now on. The earth is healing itself. It is not the apocalypse. Lastly, think of how much water millions of humans are saving by not watering lawns, gardens, etc. Some parasites out there controlling the water utilities are no doubt very pissed today. Makes me smile. Enjoy the rain, because once it’s done, you can expect beautiful sunny skies. If they stopped spraying, you could enjoy it much sooner, but for now, we gift orgonite and do our best to speed it up. Happy Friday! I was going to wait until July 4th so I could make an “independence and in-to-pendants” joke, but I’m impatient and having too much fun making these!
If you’re interested here are a few (and more types being made today). In order: Lapis lazuli, raw ruby, turquoise, moonstone, green opal, and red garnet. Side note, the colors are a little more vibrant in person (the sun was blinding when photos were taken). They are 2 x 0.6 X 0.25 inches. Each contains the main crystal listed, along with shiny copper shavings, a small coil, a piece of selenite, and some crushed black tourmaline. The top hook is brass, and the band/cord is organic hemp. Available at my shop, but If you’re interested send me a DM. Also more variations on the way. Cheers! We’ve been hammered this last week with DOR cloud cover and an extreme (manufactured) heatwave to stop as much rain over Illinois and the Midwest as possible; but alas, the hydrogen bonds be forming, and the giant raindrops be falling. Heatwave is also over. This rain of course follows our WETTEST May on RECORD!
I’ve been busy juggling so much non-Orgone related stuff that I use every minute I can get to make, gift, and share the results of orgonite. These are some of those results. Drought is manufactured and the parasites strategically keep or move rain away from the places that benefit from it most. One discovery I’ve had is that when rain clouds come near Chicago, they always move east toward the lake (never west from the lake toward us). I believe there is weather modification tech out on the lake that makes this possible. Also, they move as many of the rain clouds out to the lake and then let it burst, which fills the lake, but really benefits no one except the water bottling parasites, and keeps the drought propaganda going. If you like food, you should like rain (just a reminder). Orgone energy restores the rain cycle. If you’re in Chicago, or really just anywhere in Illinois for that matter, just look around. Everything is well nourished, incredibly green, and plants, trees, bushes, etc., are growing like weeds. Everything is thriving from the excess of rain and the excess of our clear and sunny skies since we introduced orgonite into the environment. So gift some towers, restore life to earth, and pass it on. Happy Tuesday! Because shut up and stop asking, that’s why. Now go buy some more crap on Amazon!
If you’re into Orgone energy, Reich, orgonite, or know a little bit about what I do and want to learn more, this video is for you. Thanks for watching! Ps, YouTube won’t let me change the ridiculous image for the video. I’m also aware my office lighting is schidt. Cheers! Looking for a unique Father’s Day gift, or just a unique gift in general? How about Han Solo trapped in Orgonite! Doubles as a conversation piece and as a gigantic Orgone towerbuster to protect from EMF, transmute DOR, and ward off mind control frequencies.
Contains clear casting resin, atomized steel powder, aluminum and copper shavings, gold and silver mica pigments, crushed Quartz, crushed selenite, black tourmaline, and 11 small terminated Quartz points, two of which are wrapped in copper coils (11 because it’s a lucky number). 9.75 x 4.74 x 1.5 inches and just shy of 4 pounds. DM me if interested. Side note, this was actually quite fun to make. Just saying… Since last weekend when we brought a torrential downpour to the city the parasites have flooded our skies with DOR being created outside of our Orgone barrier and then moved it over the city. Remember, orgonite around cell towers/HAARP renders chemtrails useless, so they have to resort to this method instead. We have so much rain in our forecast, and I think the new water rules in Californistan are the best example I can give when people ask me “why would they want to cause drought?” Simple: Control (there isn’t even a drought in California). They use DOR and chemtrails to suppress rain (among many other things), and then move everything over and away from the area that they want to dry up. I’m pretty sure they wait until it’s far enough out over Lake Michigan to let it burst and rain (the US Gov specifically did this to destabilize Cuba’s sugar crop, so yes, it’s likely happening here too). Regardless, not gonna happen, not for Chicago, not at this point!
Yesterday, we cut off ANOTHER of their sources, while gifting Hammond and Gary Indiana, and found some rather disturbing stuff in the process. I’m kinda beat, as we gifted another small truckload of towerbusters, and it takes a lot of energy to towerbust entire towns, but I plan to share this before the weekend is over (hopefully on video) so that everyone knows what kind of new twisted schidt to look for when they venture out to start busting towers. More to come. Ps it’s raining AGAIN, and hard AGAIN, and I’m sure my friends at ABC 7 are stumbling over their “mostly dry isolated mostly dry dry dry isolated dry” nonsense AGAIN. There is no drought. There never was a drought. There will never be a drought. Orgone energy guarantees it. Pass it on! Now why would the parasites be going completely mad today? Oh, it’s voting day! Better try and lower the vibes and mooch off humanity! Don’t support or consent to their system. We’ll be gifting orgonite throughout the day, but there are thousands (yes, thousand with a plural) of towerbusters we’ve put out there around Chicago and the burbs. The chembusters are kicking @$$ and taking names. We have obolixes going to town too. That said, if you read this, take just a moment to attach your positive vibes and send them out into the world of abundant, healthy Orgone energy to overpower the fear and propaganda that is the entire nonsense of voting and “choice.” You do have a choice; shut down the matrix of nonsense. Now everybody look up and wave!!
I scrubbed the interwebs to try and find at least SOME acknowledgement of the torrential downpour that happened Saturday night after we buried an earth pipe. The forecast prediction for rain on Saturday dwindled to a 10 percent chance throughout the day as DOR rolled in Saturday, with possible scattered showers south of Chicago and an emphasis that it would be light and far south of the city (and no severe weather). It was a monsoon. Double-you tee eff.
I guess they didn’t want to draw attention to how incredibly wrong their geoengineered forecast model was (and is) with all of this Orgone energy restored to the atmosphere. Ps, it’s still beaming blue skies today over Chicago. Yesterday, the forecast called for 100 percent chance of rain around 11 pm (and 60-80 percent starting at 10 p.m.). This was at 8 am in the morning. Throughout the day, the DOR rolled in from out of town and white haze started moving to do its thing in obstructing the sunset, while humidity spiked and the percentage chance of rain reduced from 100 to 90 to 70 to 40. This is how they suppress rain but keep the masses from realizing it in the moment. They increase their EMF/DOR (deadly Orgone radiation), spray some chemtrails, let the weather actors tell us it will be dry, and the rain slowly disappears from the forecast and most people don’t even notice until the predicted rain is out of the consciousness and geoengineering has kept healthy clouds from forming and bursting, until they pass over and leave the ground dry.
While we just had the wettest May on record, I still felt inclined to see if we could make the rain a sure thing last night, but all of the towers within biking distance have been gifted at this point. So we went to bury a new earth pipe I made, and buried it in a very popular area of the city (next to something military related), just to give a little energy nudge to clean the sky (side note, most people save EPs for airports, mountain areas, energy hubs, and places with (alleged) underground bases, and I’ve personally used them at nuke plants and at a couple places I can’t say). After planting, we barely made it home on bike as the rain began to slowly fall. The dwindling rain chance was still going reducing to 10 percent, but the DOR transformation was immense, the moon and stars showed themselves, the wind picked up like crazy, and boom! Enormous rain drops (which I believe are the product of having no EMF/DOR influence breaking or evaporating them as they fall to the ground, not totally sure, need to research more). Regardless it was a torrential downpour, for two hours. The weather folks said the rain wouldn’t even make it to the city, and the surrounding areas would be “light” and “scattered.” Let’s just say “Wrong, party of four, your table is ready!” Earth pipes definitely work like orgonite but with the added benefit of doing something more to the HAARP grid below the ground. Makes me wonder what the hell is below the ground where we buried it. If you want to make one or get one to try let me know. I believe these are worth even more than simply taking out underground bases. I’ve buried a few now with intense reactions of all of them. It’s acupuncture for Mother Earth. We just had the wettest May on record. Our humidity levels are down. Sunny days are the new normal, temperatures are mild, and at this point I know June will be another one for our record books. Orgonite stops geoengineered drought. Pass it on. Who needs IG filters when the sky is already this blue? Now that the hurricane was destroyed, the nuke plants were neutralized, the lake front towers and coastline neutralized, the airport neutralized, the Chicago Loop neutralized, Evanston neutralized, Oak Park neutralized, Skokie neutralized, Lake Zion Metra Line neutralized, half of interstate 88 and 80 to Nebraska neutralized, several dozen universities and campuses neutralized, Chinatown neutralized, Wicker Park, Humboldt, Logan, Roscoe, Lakeview down to Rogers Park neutralized… you know what, we’ll be here all day but you get the point. The parasites are running out of options to manifest their DOR (deadly Orgone radiation), the chemtrails fall apart without their frequency fence, and man oh man is the energy high on this beautiful, mild, sunny day in Chicago. By no means are we done gifting orgonite to the Chicago and the world, but this moment is pretty nice and this photo deserved a post.
Now that I can relax a moment, I’ll have some new stuff up on my Etsy later tonight and throughout the weekend for anyone looking to join in the fun! More to come. Cheers, all! |