I rarely come out from behind the camera. Today I made an exception. Pardon the need for shaving. I've been busy cleaning the freaking sky all week. What have you been doing? This is my new device, and I will explain it next week after the lunar eclipse. For now, I'm calling it my ORGun, because it couldn't be more blunt at destroying chemtrails when aimed like a gun. It's also a "blast" to use. As of right now, the parasites keep spraying over the sun but the trails don't plume, because they can't; instead they disintegrate. Please show this imagery to sheeple who believe the contrail nonsense or say this is "water vapor" plane exhaust. In addition to this new toy, we've been gifting excess towerbusters and earth pipes all over the place since arriving in Sedona in November. Geoengineering efforts are failing rapidly and the HAARP EMF bubble is royally f*cked up. Thank you Orgone energy. Get ready for the lunar eclipse Sunday. The Parasites are planning to white-out pretty much the entire US (seriously, check your forecast and notice the "cloud cover" or cloudy skies icons set for Sunday. It's everywhere, so all the more reason to make some orgonite, build a chembuster, play with some pyramids, plant some earth pipes, or just put some devices in the car wherever you go. Keep the parasites working overtime!
See these photos? In October we spent several days in New Mexico, trying to decide if we would move to Taos or Sedona. We spent much of that time gifting Taos with towerbusters and earth pipes, and specifically gifted the Enchanted Circle, beginning in Taos all the way around to Angel Fire. It took an entire weekend for a 5 hour stretch of turf in the mountains, and included much of the national park. While we were there, despite a drought, it rained for nearly 6 days (I also had those giant chembusters with me). After a couple months of bathing in those hundreds upon hundreds of Orgone devices, I found out today that Taos is receiving just a “little bit” more snow than usual. Also “little bit” translation = SH*T-TON. (read more after images) I don’t want to take sole credit, but the point I’m trying to make is if it looks like a duck, well… you get the point. Orgone energy STOPS geoengineered drought and the suppression efforts used to stop rain and snow and pretty much all precipitation from benefiting and healing this planet.
I moved to the Southwest to fix the rain cycle because drought is not natural and Mother Nature would never kill herself. I’m pleased to see yet another instance of the earth healing itself with Orgone energy, rendering their frequency weapons useless. This is a great first day to 2019!!! And many blessings to the individual skiing in Taos who just shared this update with me! |