This is the part where I can now drop the damn mic! Orgonite ENDS geoengineered drought. Pass it on!
This is the new normal for Chicago’s skies. Blue hues, clear moons, billowy white clouds, yellow (non-obstructed) sunsets, not to mention one of the wettest seasons we’ve had in decades. We gifted another 300+ towerbusters so far this holiday weekend, but there’s still plenty to do. Even as I write this the parasites are up there spraying, with no luck of course.
I can’t say it enough, forget the trails. Go after the towers. Gift the HAARP network of cell towers, smart meters, wifi routers, cell phones, weather balls, power plants, and any other EMF producing devices. Orgonite shuts it down leaving chemtrails with nothing to hold them in place and operate correctly. DOR (deadly Orgone radiation) transmutes to positive healthy Orgone energy (OR), the atmosphere becomes negatively ionized, healthy rain clouds form like they’re supposed to, and the frequencies of mind control piggybacking on all of this no longer work. It’s time for a higher vibration. The earth is done tolerating the negative, parasitic energies, and personally, so am I. As our vibe goes up, their playground comes with us, leaving them behind. Happy Holiday Weekend! I’ve had a lot of messages for info about Orgone energy and/or Orgone pieces. I promise to address them soon but just want to take care of the obviously manufactured heatwave and attempt of farming a tropical storm and Hurricane down in the south by Florida this weekend.
We gifted a special place yesterday that took a lot of prep and a lot of our own energy, and today I see the parasites no longer have that section of the sky at their disposable for bringing DOR cover in over Chicago. I saw more spraying yesterday than I have ever seen in my life in one day, so it’s become obvious this is a big weekend for them. Today, we will be taking out ANOTHER of their greatest DOR sources, and as you can see from my before and after photos (first of each is when I woke up, the second one for each is 5 minutes later after aiming a chembuster a certain way), we are going to have blue skies today. If you’re making or using orgonite, thank you. Every bit around the globe will transmute their DOR, negatively ionize the atmosphere, and slowly but surely bust their ability to manufacture this crap anymore. Stay positive! We’re making massive changes to our skies over Chicago, and this weekend, while hot, should be a much lighter and higher energetic one as everyone celebrates the holiday weekend. The vibration will be higher, and your vibration in and around the city is going to keep the blue skies coming. Now, we’re off to gifting again. Big day today! There’s a heatwave across the country slowly gearing up for Thursday through Monday, and after checking the weather forecasts for nearly every major city in the US, I found only one thing in common; all of them have a potentially rainy day scattered somewhere within the next few days. This is especially true for Chicago. We’ve had so much rain since our Easter deployment of hundreds of towerbusters, two new, massive chembusters, the addition of several grounded orgonite wands, and more pyramids than I can count. What I’m saying is, we’ve been busy, and it’s resulted in the third wettest May on record, and soon to be THE wettest May ever in Illinois.
This heatwave will no doubt bring much DOR over the US, although not if we and the many other orgone workers around the country have anything to do with it. I was also talking with folks who follow my orgone endeavor, and they asked me, “why do you think this weekend is so important?” While I can’t prove this is more important for the parasites than any other week(end), I have my own theories, and they include the following (keep in mind, these are only theories I have, not facts): 1) Rain would destabilize a huge portion of the economy by preventing much of the US from going outside to celebrate the holiday weekend. Rain and thunderstorms could leave beaches empty and prevent folks from firing up the BBQ. It would affect everything from the sale of sunblock, salads, and soda, to the entire meat industry. Outdoor vendors would be affected. travel plans would change. While I don’t think it would end civilization, it would put a massive (and possibly non-repairable) dent in the bottom line of many corporations. Hence, stop the rain. 2) Rain would prevent the need for most of the farmers around the country to pay for water, at least for a little while, and put a massive dent in public utilities. Also, rain isn’t fluoridated, and you gotta have that fluoride so your GMO corn can grow big and strong! 3) There’s a tropical storm forming around Florida, the state that is a thorn in the side of the NWO/globalist/Agenda 21 crowd. Retirees, Sun and beach visitors, nature lovers, and Gun owners, not to mention a collective who enjoy small government; it’s no wonder we’re constantly shown the negative side of Florida in all of their highly-publicized news (2000 election, Casey Anthony, Trevon Martin), and that’s not even a blip on the radar as far as negative spotlights go. Point is, there’s a tropical storm coming, or brewing, or doing whatever the parasites have planned. If the rest of the country is DOR’d to high hell and back, and the stagnant, lifeless energy is in abundance with a heatwave, then there won’t be any pressure systems to pull and disperse the storm cells heading for the coast, which would help minimize the impact on Florida. If a storm cell can’t move, it will just stay (relatively) stationary and build up strength, causing more damage to a localized area. Those are my theories. Any thoughts? Agree or disagree? Let me know. I’d love to hear your opinions! So with that said, this will be a busy week. It’s not even 10:30 a.m. and we’ve already clearned a ton of DOR using a backup chembuster as a bazooka of love energy, strategically aimed outward instead of upward. HHG’s are being deployed, a nuclear power plant is being gifted with several earth pipes and special toys I made just for them, and while it’s going to be hot, I think Chicago will be cooler than most surrounding places and we’ll have our rain whether the parasites like it or not. Happy Holiday Week(end)! I woke up to the sound of rain at 3 a.m. Then, this morning’s episode of Fearcast and Friends tells us (after tons of negative bantering about fog, which is a form of positive transmutation of DOR), this was the 3RD WETTEST MAY ON RECORD (and it’s not even over yet)! I keep saying it. Orgone energy stops Geoengineering and ends the parasites’ very-obvious, very-strategic rain suppression efforts.
Make some or buy some, put it in your home, get involved in the gifting movement and gift your local cell towers and build a grid if you want. Any amount of orgonite in the environment helps. If we can do this in a major city with millions upon millions of cell towers, smart meters, wifi routers, and cell phones, massive Doppler radars, power plants (including nuclear), two international airports, and bazillions of blue tooth devices down to the the last Apple Airpod (btw, those things brainwash you), then this same solution can be applied everywhere. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to work on making this month THE wettest May on record. Happy Tuesday! This may sound crazy, but the entire matrix of consciousness suppression, mind control, weather modification, and global tyranny can be brought to an end with simple tools that unlock and utilize the greatest energy source of the universe; that being Orgone, scalar energy, chi, prana, ether, life force, torsion, zero point, or whatever you want to call it. Join me tomorrow night at Infiniteus Rocks and Juice in Wicker Park to learn about all kinds of things that may sound crazy, but…
Today’s lesson: Clearing the sky with orgonite wands and a little meditation.
I woke up to complete DOR cloud cover that was manufactured overnight. We have lots of rain coming (AGAIN), so the parasites will not stop trying to suppress it. Just as I did yesterday (taking the day off from my matrix job to play with some Orgone toys), I started spinning two of my new orgonite wands while meditating. Sounds crazy to some, but notice my photos. The first five photos are facing west and south and demonstrate what happens about every 5-10 minutes of doing this. The second set of photos are facing east/north showing the same. The last photo shows the wands I’m referring to. The single layer of DOR transmutes, the healthy clouds trapped inside begin to form properly, and the blue sky comes out to play from above. Happy Thursday! I took the day off from my matrix job to do my Orgone job. Made tons of new towerbusters for gifting, grounded some more Orgone wands, and I’m adjusting obolixes as needed. Also raised an obolix on the top of my chembuster, now 24 feet tall and in full 24/7 view of sunlight despite Chicago’s sardine-can housing layout. It’s a high Orgone day. We got a little rain. The parasites are spraying but it seems pointless. Nothing is sticking or pluming and rain clouds are getting bigger and bigger. It’s gonna rain again soon!