Orgone Earth Pipe (large, single)
Orgone Earth Pipes are Orgone devices you bury in the ground. Every home should have at least one earth pipe buried on the property, somewhere in close proximity to the home!
Earth pipes are the mother of all Orgone energy tools for gifting the planet. Think of them as towerbusters on steroids that not only operate as towerbusters above ground, but also act as Orgone-charged acupuncture needles for the Earth's energy grid of ley lines, vortexes, portals, deep underground parasite bases, and the vast web of tower networks, energy points, and geopathic stress coercing throughout the Earth. EPs are the etheric lighting rod for neutralizing the complete bastardization of the Earth's energy grid, both above and below ground.
Orgone gifters use earth pipes around high-intensity EMF/DOR energy sources that cover sizeable areas of land; including places with excessive cell towers and large arrays, ley lines and other known energy points like seismic hot spots or militarized zones, as well as near power plants (especially nuclear), bodies of water such as lakes, rivers, streams, aquifers, beaches, water tables and sheds, or places of high forestation like rain forest and forest preserves, (which typically have hidden towers scattered around the perimeter). In the Orgone community, it's believed that gifting EPs in certain areas can neutralize underground bases, meaning "military," along with the negative energy and parasitic activity taking place beneath the earth's surface. Basically, if you live near an airport, bury some EPs in your area.
These Earth pipes are made from a copper pipe (0.75 x 11 inches) filled with an Orgone towerbuster base of catalyzing resin, and packed with magnetite, aluminum shavings, crushed selenite, black tourmaline, shungite, and three (3) single-terminated quartz points wrapped in copper coils. My EPs are also packed with material the majority of the way throughout the pipe.
Earth Pipes are each sold separately. Listing is for one (1) large Orgone Earth Pipe.
Pipes should be buried vertically, with the taped side facing the top. The tape does NOT need to be removed. In most cases, pipes can simply be buried in the ground with a hammer, and sometimes it may require digging with a small shovel before planting with a hammer and then filling-in the hole. EPs should be buried at least 2-3 inches completely below the surface of the Earth so that none of the pipe is visible from above the ground. Earth pipes do not need to be buried next to other pipes, and it's best to space them out from each other; unless the EMF target you're gifting or trying to bust is significantly large (such as a nuclear power plant area or "golf ball" tower). One EP per home/yard is typically fine in tandem with towerbusters or a pyramid inside the home, or use two to three earth pipes around the home on different sides of the home if the area is a high-EMF neighborhood where your home is the only home with earth pipes or other orgone devices buried or gifted around it.
If you're trying to grid earth pipes across a giant acreage or farmland, consider using two to three earth pipes for the first acre of space, or center point of the land, and then use one additional pipe for each remaining two to three acres. Earth pipes should be spaced evenly apart. If there are water sources on the land (rivers, lakes, ponds, streams, wells, springs, etc.) then make sure to bury some pipes close to those areas or on top of the water source when possible and safe to do so. Also, if you have a large plot of land and you cover it with earth pipes in the ground, consider getting yourself a chembuster (aka cloudbuster) to work in tandem with the earth pipes in the ground. Earth pipes and CBs are the "nuclear option" for breaking the frequency fence across the land.
When CBs aren't an option, HHG Pyramids and towerbusters work great in conjunction with earth pipes below the ground, and anyone can make an overwhelmingly significant impact combating EMF and the geoengineering agenda to heal the planet.
If you're looking for a starter pack for the home or apartment that includes a mix of earth pipes for the ground and towerbusters for inside the home, consider the Pucks and a Pipe Pack; or if you want to "go big or go home," consider the Neighborhood Block Party Pack.