The Neighborhood Block Party
The Neighborhood Block Party - The NBP
The Neighborhood Block Party is the perfect Orgone get-together for those interested in busting towers with the mindset of "go big or go home!" If you're looking for a solution to not only saturate your home with Orgone devices, but also cover your surrounding neighborhood and the towers and EMF hubs throughout it, the NBP is your meal ticket for tactical towerbusting on a larger scale. Simply put, this pack is the Orgo-nuclear option for individuals who share neighborhood spaces with matrix lovers who retrofit their homes into smart homes, or those who find themselves surrounded by idiot-driven HOAs and Condo Boards who approve 5G poles and cell towers to be installed on the neighborhood block.
If your neighbors are useful idiots who enjoy tangling themselves in parasitic webs of technology perpetuated by the parasitic demons of this realm, the NBP has you covered with an arsenal of towerbusters, copper earth pipes, and an HHG Pyramid.
The NBP is also perfect for those in areas with smart meters, solar power hubs, electric cars and charging ports, excessive power lines, power boxes, and substations, and local water sources like lakes, ponds, springs, wells, creeks, and streams.
This set includes the following:
- Ten (10) 5G Orgone Towerbusters (black)
- Three (3) Copper Orgone Earth Pipes
- One (1) HHG Pyramid (The Holy Hand Ka-boom)
- Instructions/tips for gifting the home, neighborhood, and local towers
Please Note: While this pack is considered more of a "tactical" approach to Orgone gifting and towerbusting, and while the pieces are solid black colors and less ornate than some fancier, more decorative pieces with bright and shiny elements, these tools are sanded and polished to give them smooth edges and a clean look; making them ideal for gifting both inside and outside of the home.
*Please read below for specs on each device.
5G Orgone Towerbusters
These towerbusters are a heavy duty and enhanced version of the original Tactical Orgone Towerbusters; containing a concentrated mix of fine metal powders and other special elements to make them much stronger than a standard towerbuster containing only metal (aluminum) shavings.
Towerbusters are the standard tactical device and universal tool for Orgone gifting and for towerbusting; which may include gridding the home, neighborhood, community, cell phone towers, smart meters, 5G antenna, and literally any other place littered with EMF weapons in need of severe energetic restoration.
This particular 5G model consists of the standard resin and aluminum shavings recipe used for most towerbusters, but with the enhancement of my own special modification mixture; which includes magnetite powder, shungite, small quartz points, and crushed selenite. My 5G Orgone Towerbusters also include a handful of other special ingredients I keep to myself for my own particular towerbuster recipe, which I believe gives them an edge and advantage over other towerbusters, and has been reflected and illustrated overwhelmingly positively throughout feedback, commentary, and reviews on my website shop. Many Orgone workers apply their own "enhancements" on the devices they create; and I think I've perfected one of the best towerbusters out there in the world!
The top diameter of each TB is 2.15 inches, bottom diameter is 2.65 inches, and the height is 1.25 inches.
To purchase these 5G TBs individually, click HERE.
Orgone Earth Pipe
My Orgone EPs are like towerbusters on steroids and acupuncture needles for the land. My EPs are essentially a 0.75 x 11 inch solid copper pipe packed with an orgone towerbuster base of catalyzing resin, magnetite powder, zinc, aluminum shavings, crushed selenite, black tourmaline, shungite, and three (3) single-terminated quartz points wrapped in copper coils. My EPs are also packed with material the majority of the way throughout the full pipe from end to end. This is an EP to match the "go big or go home" mentality. To learn more about EPs or to purchase them individually, click HERE.
HHG Pyramid (Holy Hand Ka-Boom)
The HHG Pyramid is the super towerbuster for establishing your very own Orgone hot spot, shielding an entire home, and conquering large clusters of giant towers and tower arrays, including those perched on the tops of hills, mountains, tall buildings, etc. Simply put, it's 10 towerbusters in one, with the added benefit of a direct energy output from the top, and a toroidal field around it. The HHG is aimed at creating a giant Orgone bubble wherever you place it, typically on the surface of the ground (if using it outside) or near the center of the home (if using it inside).
The HHG Pyramid is made with a special recipe similar to my 5G Orgone Towerbusters; including the magnetite powder, shungite, crushed selenite, and a handful of other special elements I keep to myself for my own particular Orgone device recipe. Additionally, my HHG recipe goes a few steps further with more concentrated and more highly-conductive metal powders, giving my pyramids an advantage over other pyramids, making them perfect for what I've coined as the "Orgo-nuclear option" when it comes to towerbusting and Orgone gifting.
My HHG Pyramids also contain the standard five (5) single-terminated quartz points wrapped in copper coils. One quartz point is located in the top-center of the pyramid facing upward, and the remaining four quartz points are positioned inside the bottom base of the pyramid, with each crystal pointed outward toward the four corners of the base of the pyramid.
First created by the late Don (and Carol) Croft, the HHG is the perfect Orgone gifting tool for EMF hubs, like power plants and substations, smart (dumb) neighborhoods, clusters of large towers, water sources, etc. In the case of the Neighborhood Block Party Pack, it's perfect as the center-point for establishing your own concentrated Orgone bubble around the home, while building outward with the pack's towerbusters and earth pipes to saturate the neighborhood and community, gifting every home and tower within your Orgone grid.
The HHG is approximately 4.75 inches in height with a base of 4.5 x 4.5 inches, and weighs approximately 2 pounds and 7 ounces.
Special Note on Earth Pipes
EPs are gifted by burying them 2 to 3 inches below the surface of the ground, and they are aimed directly downward into the Earth. In the Orgone community, we use EPs to neutralize negative energy fields and EMF running underground, and neutralize things like underground bases and/or other compromised energy points, ley lines, vortexes, etc. For those confused about EPs and why they work, I recommend researching Nikola Tesla's work regarding transmitting wireless energy between devices that are connected to the Earth's surface (hint hint, there's a reason the parasites built HAARP facilities and demonic structures/monuments/tower systems along certain ley lines and grids). Detailed instructions for burying earth pipes will be included with the NBP Pack.
NBP Gifting Tips:
- 2 to 3 TBs per tower or 1 TB per home within the neighborhood
- Consider gridding the neighborhood by placing one TB near each neighbor's smart meter or electrical box
- 1 Earth Pipe Per Home, and no more than 3 EPs on the same city block
- 1 EP can cover 1 to 3 acres, depending on the number of EMF sources within that space
- If there's a 5G pole on the block, bury 1 EP in the yard nearest to the pole
- Use EPs to create a triangle grid, and use TBs to fill in the gaps of the grid
- EPs are great for burying around wells, streams, springs, and other water sources. If you live on a lake/pond, place EPs around the body of water within your overall grid
- Place the HHG Pyramid on the ground under smart meters or near high level power lines, electrical hubs and substations, solar power setups, and electric vehicle charging hubs -- HHGs are perfect for anywhere with dirty electricity, and can be used inside or outside the home