Show me someone talking about drought and I’ll show you either a parasite, a government-paid shill, or a victim of the public education system.
Orgone energy stops geoengineering and manufactured drought. Start busting some towers.
I wrote a novel of a blog post highlighting the truth behind the Texas snowstorm, which I highly recommend if you haven’t read it. The article is A Fool is Born Every Minute, But a Hundred are Born Every TikTok Video.
PS, Arizona is far ahead of schedule for moisture this year. I’ve said it repeatedly; Orgone energy stops geoengineering and manufactured drought. Also, deserts are not natural. Visit my website to learn more! Side note; the part where I sound like I lost my train of thought was the result of seeing my wacky neighbor on her daily journey (by car) from her garage to her mail box). Quite a character. I keep an eye on the weather patterns everywhere we’ve gifted since moving to Arizona, especially the places we’ve not only busted towers, but where I’ve gifted the larger chembusters (if you’re not sure what a CB is, it’s the tall tower things you’ve seen on my page with copper pipes protruding upward toward the sky). Go read my Restore the Desert Project on my website to learn more.
I’ll say it again... Orgone energy stops geoengineering and manufactured drought. It also prevents and protects from not-so-wild wildfires created by psychotic and parasitic governments who push agenda 21/30. Hint hint. Start busting towers!
This post is part 2 of my previous post, How to Spot Fake Clouds 101. After busting towers on steroids during this shit show of a year, it takes a lot more energy for the parasites to cover the sky and stop the rain. Just look at my posts since January. This footage is about 30 minutes after clearing the sky of those DOR/electrosmog “arms” referenced in my post prior to this one. Today was HUGE for solar activity and it’s about to dump more water on Arizona by way of rain and snow. Side note, solar activity (cough FLARES cough) destroys AI... Just part of the massive multi-layer agenda. Also, rain shuts down 5G (so gee... I wonder why they block the sun and stop the rain)...DURP. The parasites are going all out with attempting to block the Sun now. If this clusterfuck of info is new to you, or you’re simply wondering “WTF is going on, Mitch,” please review the geoengineering portion of my website
Orgone energy stops geoengineering. Go bust some towers and see for yourself.
It is all HAARP. It is a bubble. And this is why it takes so much GD time, money, and energy to destroy HAARP with Orgone energy devices; because humans love their frequency fence creation devices.
In the past, days like today would be completely whited out in the sky; but because we’ve successfully destroyed the number of towers we’ve destroyed around here, the bubble appears sad and lonely as it tries to cover the sun. In my next post, see what happens when the parasites finally get their billion EMF sources calibrated and find a weak spot in the Orgone energy field. They start building sky-covering canopies from towers hidden at the tops of mountains and other hard to reach places for gifting orgonite, and watch how they create more of these connected “arms” of white shit in the sky. To those new to this info, this is what we call DOR (deadly Orgone radiation) aka electrosmog. It manifests from the collective frequency fence and allows geoengineering to occur in the first place. Not chemtrails; those are only a small piece of the puzzle. The REAL weapon is the towers. Still confused? Read my next post How to Spot Fake Clouds 102 to learn more. Friendly reminder to my followers on Mars; You can clear-up those chemtrails and DOR (deadly Orgone radiation) aka electrosmog by busting cell towers and emf sources with Orgone energy devices like towerbusters, earth pipes, and chembusters. I’m not sure how many towers you have on Mars, but judging by your footage, it looks like it’s roughly the same ballpark as Earth.
To learn more about geoengineering AND the solution to end it (both here and VERY abroad), visit my website
Please Consider Helping This Cause
If you live in Arizona and want to help this cause, please consider supporting my work by visiting my website and making a small donation toward my gifting efforts OR stop by my shop and pickup an earth pipe for yourself and your own property. You can make a donation by clicking HERE. In time, my goal is for the entire lava tube that is Arizona to be saturated with EPs so that every HAARP weapon, parasite, chemtrail, and frequency agenda shuffles its way into an obsolete and deleted timeline. FYI, some of y’all up north/NE of Arizona will benefit too when the jetstream is no longer clogged down here. If Orgone gifting were a video game, the HAARP/occult microwave known as Phoenix would be the final boss. Just something to think about. So much work ahead! Oh, and regarding the large earth pipes in the photo, the answer is 2-feet, and around 18 to 20 pounds each; because sometimes you're gonna need a bigger boat. In order to help make sense of this post, I encourage you to read my previous article A Fool is Born Every Minute; But a Hundred are Born Every TikTok Video when finished reading this one. In light of the insane number of online videos and propaganda being pushed online to convince the m(asses) that the recent snowfall in the US is fake and full of chemicals (instead of the truth of it being the Orgone energy process of georestoration that it actually is), I've been highlighting the deception that's been launched on social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram, reminding people that, unless you have a full comprehension of both the geoengineering agenda and the solution to it (e.g. Orgone Energy), then you only have half of the answer, and you are still falling for this agenda and everything it encompasses; particularly the controlled opposition that's been placed front and center. Fortunately, I've created the perfect checklist to help you navigate the bullshit and avoid being duped by trolls, shills, agents, and bots who want you to believe the snow is fake, and to believe the government has more control over what's happening than it actually does, while also keeping you in a state of fear so you remain easier to control. So let's get started. You can fool some people all of the time, and you can fool all people some of the time; but you cannot fool all people all of the time.
Prologue - What the Hell Would I Know, Right? While compiling my notes for this post, something prompted me to come back and include this very necessary prologue. I was encouraged to include it because of a quote I rediscovered, and I believe it's incredibly useful for what you're about the read, learn, and digest. What do they want for proof? There is no proof. There are no authorities whatsoever. No president, no academy, court of law, congress, or senate on this Earth has the knowledge or power to decide what will be the knowledge of tomorrow. There is no use in trying to prove something that is unknown to someone who is ignorant of the unknown or fearful of its threatening power. Only the good, old rules of learning will eventually bring about understanding of what has invaded our earthly existence." Of the many challenges I've faced in these endeavors trying to save the planet, a constant challenge comes from the always-humorous and comically-annoying pleebs who are not convinced by any amount of data, experimentation, or proof pertaining to the truth about geoengineering, weather modification, and Orgone energy. It's what I call Show Me the Receipts Syndrome. I get it, everyone needs proof to justify viewpoints. That's not the argument. My argument is that countless people are absolutely ridiculous with this syndrome that encompasses hypocrisy, irony, and a slew of mental gymnastics that would make even the greatest Olympians blush. On a regular basis, I receive messages, emails, rants, stories, grievances, and threats, ranging from "I love you and your work" to the other side of the spectrum such as "go kill yourself." While usually amusing, these days I just filter it because my time is too valuable to care. But somewhere inside of this mix, I'm presented with challenges by naysayers or skeptics asking me to convince them of everything I have ever said about these topics, and prove to them that everything about everything is undeniably true. Now, I love facts and and research because I love providing valuable sources; but in prepping for this written piece, I remembered something; I'm a source as well. I also remembered that you should never waste your time trying to explain yourself to someone who is determined to misunderstand you. This post is not for those people. It is for the humans who would like to think bigger. Unbeknownst to many, I joined this weather war because I stumbled on the word Orgonite years back, but not in the way most would assume. The only reason I got involved was because I was determined to prove Orgonite was stupid and it didn't do anything to destroy cell towers or chemtrails. My oh my, how that plan did not work out as I previously anticipated. Today, my soapboxes push people to never simply believe what I say, but to research what I say. I also suggest people take an active role with this and bust some towers for themselves. Only then will they start to comprehend this work. In regards to the receipt lovers, I only bring this up because over the years, I've learned it's these exact people who believe everything they're told under the sun... except for this; Orgone energy. They believe the TV. They believe NASA. They believe their government. All of it, no receipts needed. But my God, the second you talk about Orgone energy (or geoengineering), it's all "show me the receipts!" Funny how that works. Even with the semi-open minded folks, I see it all the time; some of them even holding positions of hosting podcasts and being "truthers" and making documentaries about things like frequency, vibration, energy, etc. They believe pyramids are energy chambers, ancient cultures used telepathy and telekinesis, and the sky clock (aka astrology) holds the key to all of the cosmic cargo of life on Earth and beyond. But once you discuss Orgone energy aka life energy aka "God consciousness," well... you better have more sites and sources and physical proofs than every written thesis and dissertation known to man. You also better be able to explain it through your viewer's fluoridated eyes, otherwise you're a nut job. Funny how that works. These double-standard receipt lovers also make the assumption there's a finite amount of information about these topics, which can all be bundled together with a designated stopping point. Let me be the first to tell you, I have made this endeavor of geoengineering and Orgone my life's purpose. I spend 24/7, 365, for the last several years making this my purpose. Even today, I still learn new concepts and information to build on the foundation of what I already know, and the learning process never ends. So if you're one of those people who believes that's the case, that is absolutely your choice; now please get off my lawn. It is imperative that humans get this concept through their heads; that is, authority does not count as a source for justifying viewpoints. A few weeks ago, I posted a story about someone who wanted to argue my views on deserts being artificially constructed and influenced, as the Earth is a living being and would never kill itself without external factors. I also tried using my own research and examples, only to be rebutteled with "I have a masters degree in evolutionary theory." That told me everything I needed to know and the conversation came to an end. It was already sad enough debating someone who's specialty was playing the guessing game with theories and flimsy assumptions, but the fact this person threw down the academia card as if holding an overpriced and useless piece of paper counted as a source to prove a point was enough to know what I was dealing with; someone who made up their mind long ago and had no interest in learning any alternative viewpoints. News flash, authority proves nothing, and that world of academically corrupt nonsense is coming to an end, thankfully. Now let's jump in! The Veil is lifting If you've been observant the last few years, you probably realized the veil of this realm is lifting. In my own field of work, studying Orgone energy and combating the geoengineering agenda, I see beautiful things happening to this planet; and I know they're happening because the parasites are grasping at straws to keep the attention directed away from reality and the underlying agenda of everything involved. That is, we live in a realm based on frequency, vibration, and energy; and the energy, which makes up all of life, can be manipulated, harnessed, bastardized, and stolen for purposes that will only make sense when applied beyond the physical. What do I mean by that? Let's start by looking at the agenda. In my view, the geoengineering agenda is the greatest agenda of all; not because I choose to study it or because I think I'm special, but because it connects to every other agenda in this realm. Specifically, the agenda regarding energy and consciousness. It means when the true agenda is widely discovered, and more importantly the real enemy is identified, it will successfully destroy every agenda within the physical, crashing the demonic house of cards because humanity will finally comprehend who is behind this agenda of enslavement. And once you know who your enemy is, you can finally kill it once and for all. If you're paying attention to the current landscape of weather modification, particularly in the United States and the state of Texas, you've probably noticed there's been unusual weather in the Lone Star state over the last week. At the time of writing this post, Texas has experienced statewide blizzard activity and power outages, which are appearing very unnatural for that area of the country. A few years ago, they experienced similar issues due to Hurricane Harvey, although that was more centralized as far as the location and level of weather manipulation involved. This blizzard is state-wide. What you may not notice since this Texas debacle began, is the number of parastite-charged news headlines being passed around the interwebs regarding the soft disclosure of weather modification and geoengineering experiments; all of which folks like myself have spoken openly about for years while being labeled "conspiracy theorists." Additionally, the same entities spreading these headlines of half-truth and saying the government controls the weather are the same entities who denied these agendas this entire time, even when a five-minute search and the Freedom of Information Act could garner you a plethora of truth bombs and admissions by the very governments and corporations doing these very things being denied. They know most humans are too lazy to do thorough research, hence my reason for this post. It's also why (presently and topically speaking) you will never convince a covidiot (that is, a believer of the Covid 19 narrative) that masks do not work, they never worked, or that Satan's own immunology minion, Dr. Fauci, admitted masks do not work. They do in fact harm you though, in case you didn't realize it yet. You will also never convince a covidiot of the dangers of drug pricks (the dirty V-word) even when you show them the verbiage from the very creators of the V-word, stating that it cures nothing, prevents nothing, protects from nothing, and has only been shown in very rare cases to minimize symptoms of the disease while altering your DNA permanently and turning you into a genetically modified and patented experiment, all with a little help of something called Luciferase and a gel openly-admitted to be used for syncing artificial technology to the human body. I know; totally normal stuff. Nothing to be concerned about. It's also worth noting this virus has also never been isolated, meaning it's never been identified as a virus in the first place, meaning it's never been proven to exist in the first place, which makes no damn sense to those who have fallen for the trap when you try to tell them. It's not what the TV or their overlords told them. The message was implanted into their controllable mind and so ingrained and repeated, and now anything contradictory to it, even when proven true, is irrelevant. Just look at the planet now. It took one year to fully convince the majority of humanity the immune system simply does not exist. More on that anomaly later. Everything is bigger in Texas, and that includes this weather agenda today. So why all of a sudden the big push for all of this geoengineering talk? Why the uptick in the climate hoax? It's because all eyes are on the weather anomalies at the moment, and folks like me who have destroyed large portions of the HAARP network that make weather modification possible are shaking our heads at the 80/20 truth-versus-lies being pushed to the forefront of the human attention span. Immediately following my previous post about gatekeeping, which reminded humans to "think bigger picture," someone in my Instagram list chimed-in with a paragraph about Bill Gates, GMOs, aluminum in the air, and a slew of other related topics to highlight some of the physical aspects connected to geoengineering. Nothing they said was untrue; but the tone of it was aimed at telling me the problem is exactly what people have been told (e.g. buzz words like Gates, Monsanto, aluminum, etc.) and drew focus toward only the physical. What they did not know, however, was if you research the other side of geoengineering, meaning the solution (Orgone and the energy war), then these other concepts that appear physical and 3D-tangible connect perfectly to the etheric and energetic motives hidden in the shadows. They also hold far more significance to making sense of what in the world is happening than what these parasitic controllers want you to focus on; and that is "people bad, poison bad." It's a puzzle piece being ignored, with attention focused on the wrong enemy. It's no different than the vaccine agenda and the posterchildren of that movement claiming this has anything to do with profits. News flash; the entire world is bankrupt. It's all 1's and 0's with no value. They don't need your money because the same entities controlling these agendas also control the entities who can easily print more. This is all about your consciousness. Side note, if an anti-vaccine leader brings up profit as a motive, you're looking at a disinformation agent, gatekeeper, or at the very least, a very ignorant sheep. None of this has to do with money. Again, think bigger. This is a huge problem I'm seeing as these parasites aim to do everything possible to keep humanity in the dark about what they're dealing with. It limits the mindset and halts the desire to "keep going" with research, leaving behind very important details that would ultimately help humans finally destroy this crap and restore the natural world. For example, the following is a buffet of articles that everyone and their dog walker's hairdresser have sent me since the cold weather and snow began hitting Texas. How convenient these started spreading faster than a rash or epilepsy after receiving a Covid shot. Right on time, I say. You might be thinking, what's the problem with this? Well, for starters, articles like these are hijacking the conversation and placing limitations on the collective mindset and possibilities of why this agenda exists. More specifically, people like me who bust HAARP towers and document the results have a better grasp at what we're dealing with, and a better idea of who we're dealing with, and we know these headlines are pure bullshit and disinformation. In regards to chemtrails, if I had a dollar for every time someone asked me "why are those pilots spraying and poisoning they're own families and loved ones?" I would be wealthy beyond my wildest dreams. It really doesn't make sense, does it? But what if I rebuttal that question with "why do you assume there's a pilot inside that plane in the first place?" What immediately goes through your mind? Even from a "normal" perspective, we know drones the size of airplanes exist and we know drones are used to drop bombs and murder people all the time. Let's say there are pilots flying those. If so, they're sitting comfortably in a bunker, base, or control room somewhere else on earth. When trying to find logic behind why these pilots would support this agenda and harm their own families, let me introduce you to a little thing called money. Also, I'll remind you that pHARMaceutical psychopaths creating the Covid shot have families too; as do the nurses and doctors administering it to humanity and murdering people on ventilators and demanding you think of them as heroes. So brave, right? Nope. And it makes no sense unless you think bigger about the agenda. Expand the mind a little bit further and ask yourself why you think the entity flying those planes is even human to begin with? Is it really that far-fetched to think there's more to this agenda than what the narrative suggests? Or is that concept impossible to fathom because if it were true, they would obviously tell you everything about its existence ahead of time? This is the entire purpose behind controlled opposition and gatekeeping; meaning to control the narrative from all sides of the argument, by planting semi-truths, half-truths, and the 80/20 ratio of truth and lies in many cases. The result of disclosing information using this method will keep humanity in the dark, while giving the impression they're on the right path of truth. It's also more difficult to decipher what's real in this world when the truth (that of which we at least know so far), is littered with confusing disinformation and blatant lies. It causes disorientation in the truth-seeking process and shuts down positive opposition before it gains momentum. How often do you watch the sky? Let's break this down into two groups; those who know something is going on up there in the sky (at any level of comprehension), and those who are helpless robots who ignore this reality. Of the demographic that knows something is going on, I always find it peculiar that those people who do look at the sky look at it very little, and only during one of three circumstances:
For several years now, I have captured my fair share of images and videos of the sky. I actually pride myself on being someone who watches the sky more than most people on earth. I do not mean this as a pissing contest; I'm simply saying that for several years now, my routine is the same: I wake up, I go outside, I document the sky. I take videos and photos, I capture weather forecasts, and I even screenshot the weather apps so that I can always take a look back at any given day in history and check out a full spectrum of whatever the forecast predicted, as well as compare notes with what was actually going on in the sky. I also spend the bulk of my days outside, and record regularly throughout the day, every single day. It's called research. It's how I was able to quickly find the following video of pellet-sized snow, similar to what's been going on in other parts of the country, particularly Texas. What I can tell you is that if you did the same work as those of us destroying HAARP, then you would know why this is happening. Simply put, busting HAARP with orgone devices creates the conditions that cause this. This was the result after moving to Sedona; after my counterpart and I busted towers in and around Camp Verde, Cornville, Cottonwood, Jerome, parts of Flagstaff, Munds Park, all of I-17 connecting Sedona to Flag, and absolutely saturating Sedona with orgonite and large chembusters that I brought from Chicago when we moved here. Anyone who gifts Orgonite knows this is not out of the ordinary. I'll also point out that these towerbusting efforts caused two storms of 18 inches of snow and another 15 inches of snow, where the annual average is generally around three inches. Check out my blog or instagram for New Years Eve 2018. The media is lying about why this snow anomaly happened. Something caused a rapid drop in temperature, which of course everyone "in the know" wants to blame solely on HAARP, but based on my own experience and the number of times I've seen snow that did not look like snow and the circumstances surrounding it, I'm seeing something more promising. What I'm seeing is a rapid freeze in the environment, which hovered over Texas (for whatever reason, which needs more investigating). Side note, yes, I believe frequencies from HAARP were involved, but not solely responsible. I've also been watching the jet stream everyday, as does one of my weather warrior friends in Texas, and there's a lot of moisture that passed through the southern and southwestern United States in the few days leading up to the snow storm. It's quite possible all of this passing moisture centralized in whatever formation around Texas, while at the same time a rapid freeze in the atmosphere caused all of that moisture to freeze in formations that were too rapid to allow for normal snowflake formations. Maybe I'm wrong, but when rain freezes too quickly, and I see this happen after large scale towerbusting adventures, this type of moisture has the potential to fall as ice instead of falling as fully crystalized and structured flakes. Side note, it's also worth pointing out that precipitation cleans the atmosphere, and snow particularly is natures own Berkey Filter as it falls to the ground, trapping pollutants of all kind. Let's keep digging. Just know that this snow is not unusual if you know what the hell you're talking about and have any knowledge of weather warfare, frequency weapons, and Orgone energy. Also, I strongly recommend reading the book Contact with Space by Wilhelm Reich. Not the Cliff's Notes version, not the summary. I mean read the actual freaking book. The same goes for Ether, God, and Devil, and the Oranur Experiment. Then when you hear me say things like "these devices neutralize radioactivity and radiation, and learn how Reich healed cancer patients, it may not sound so insane to you. I also recommend doing the only thing you can do to fully comprehend these concepts and completely replace all traces of programming, indoctrination and preconceived confusion; and that is, get off your ass, get on your feet, and start busting some f*cking towers. Life Finds a Way If you research the other side of the geoengineering curtain, you will better comprehend why people like myself are always reminding the world that this agenda is about energy and consciousness. For example, did you ever see the 1993 film Jurassic Park? If so, you might recall Jeff Goldblum's character Ian Malcolm using the phrase "Life finds a way." You see, the point his character was making was that playing God won't matter in the end, because nature will figure out how to do it's own thing and nothing man does to alter that process artificially will matter in the end. We will return to nature, and we will return to the source of where we came from. To go further with this idea, let's look at some of the easier and more physical topics that we can actually see with our own eyes, like GMOs, which are also connected to consciousness, life energy, and the attempt to suppress it. Did you know Monsanto, or as I call it MonSatan, continually updates their seeds and patents on the genetic freak-shows they create? They can't just create a GMO seed and leave it alone as the "go-to" seed for farming purposes. But do you know why? It's because if they don't continue tweaking things and playing God, then the genetic code, regardless of how bastardized it is, will eventually revert back to its natural form. Side note, the reason they splice and alter such absurd things together in the quest for creating their sinister seeds, is not simply because they can. It's because they must remove the natural elements from nature as much as possible to slow down the natural (and eventual) reversion process back to itself, and keep the majority of humans from ever pinpointing this restoration process which would allow them to finally decode it and solve the problem. Why would they do this? Think about it. There's a force in this realm, called nature, that always brings life back to the living, and returns things to their natural state. If you're one for learning about the collective consciousness, consciousness expansion, and the literal "waking up" of humanity, you're more likely to comprehend why humans are going through what we're going through right now. Eons of genetic manipulation and experimentation on life, including ourselves, is losing its grip. In that process, we've learned there are more than five senses, with intuition and instinct being two key senses at the forefront, and (some) humans are now discovering they've had these gifts within them all along. This is also why the agenda to put you back to sleep has increased exponentially since Wuhan Wiggle began. They are desperate to shut you up again, and they do it by poisoning you via the air you breathe, the food you eat, the water you drink, the media you consume, the frequency weapons you welcome into your pocket, and essentially removing you from the God source of your existence. It's also why the Covid shot exists, but one thing at a time. Please try not to focus on that God terminology from only a religious perspective. I can't force you to do that, but I'm asking you to try. Otherwise, you'll never completely make sense of this. Additionally, regarding the suppression of consciousness, if you've followed my work long enough, you know they spray chemtrails in the sky in correlation to certain calendar dates, full moon and new moon cycles, and the overall sky clock and astrological timing of everything happening in the sky. It's why they used frequencies to produce DOR matter in the sky that turned the Sun blood red during 9/11, one of their favorite annual rituals. No, it was not the smoke from the California fires. That misinformation was what they told you so you wouldn't realize the bigger culprit; frequency weapons. For chemtrail spraying, I remind people all of the time, the spray will increase 24-48 hours prior to most of these events and cycles, just as it will increase prior to forecasts of precipitation, certain solar activity, and occult ritual nonsense. The parasites love their rituals, and the reason is always the same; this is energetic warfare, not simply physical. Read the rest of my website to gain a better understanding of these concepts. For those who work with Orgone energy, particularly those of us healing the planet, we conduct this test called the water test. Basically, you take a piece of orgonite and place it inside a freezer with a cup of water on top. The result is a frozen, restructured and crystalized vortex because the energy field passes through the water and structures the water, similarly to Dr. Masaru Emoto's water experiments. Emoto is yet another key to the other side of the curtain. It helps answer the question of why they would want to cause drought, as well as water's connection to our own consciousness and the energy signature of this planet. In my view, Earth should have been named Water. In regards to GMOs and this agenda, a springboard for you to begin would be Alexander Golod. Golod is a Russian billionaire who built some large pyramids near Moscow that reacted with the environment, people, and plant life in ways that broke the laws of physics as we've been told. There's not enough website to go through this. Just make the effort and start digging. Start with the info regarding extinct plants that came back to life around one of the pyramids. This connects to those claims you've heard that Orgonite makes plants grow faster and more abundant. I can attest it also extends the life of organic produce kept inside the refrigerator. Here are some of my water tests. Also, please check out my page on The Water Song to learn more about the magic of water and why this agenda is about energy and consciousness. And go test these things for yourself. I'm getting a bit off topic here... So WTF is Going on Right Now? A lot of people have asked for my two cents regarding the recent weather in Texas, especially considering my viewpoints expressed in my gatekeeping post prior to this post, stating my views that much of this weather is the result of georestoration and Mother Nature attempting to calibrate itself, not simply the government playing God. The reason is because those of us destroying HAARP have removed too many of their precious towers from the equation. They don't have as much control as you are still led to believe. It's why there's been the push to disclose all of these things that were forever denied; because they need you to believe they're still in charge of whatever it is you think they're doing up there in the sky. Join the Club; Become a Member (Gifter) Those of us making and gifting orgone devices and busting HAARP-infused hell holes on a large scale know three vital things that occur after we kill-off their towers one by one. The first two are:
I encourage those who are tardy to this party to check out my old blog posts and social media updates over the last few years, because I documented this when I gifted Illinois, Nebraska, and now Arizona. In addition, the third thing that happens after busting towers on a large scale is wind. When you look at concepts like DOR, a term Reich coined for "deadly Orgone radiation" and the anti-life electrosmog energy field that causes all manner of weather manipulation, the frequencies will often block the flow of naturally flowing life energy that would normally move and balance life on Earth (it's called the jet stream), and instead causes all sorts of havoc. Side note, the jet stream is so much more than what they say it is. If you're like me and you've buried hundreds and hundreds of Orgone earth pipes in your life, you know what happens when you drive an EP into the ground anywhere near stalled energy and stagnant pressure systems, nuclear power plants, airports, and underground military bases. It becomes windy; and I mean f*cking windy! During our move from Chicago to Sedona, we spent some time in Taos, New Mexico. Part of this journey involved gifting earth pipes and pyramids all around the Enchanted Circle, beginning in Taos, all the way to Angel Fire, and back around. This was Autumn, 2018, and while it wasn't my first time using EPs, it was my first time using so many of them at one time. I've blogged about this prior, but as a reminder, there was a drought when we got there, and the drought was declared over by the time we left. It rained nearly the entire time. Our Airbnb host even warned us to conserve water while staying in an earthship (because water had to be delivered via truck), that is until it rained so much their water storage was at full capacity again. During this time, we also gifted Santa Fe, parts of Albuquerque, and the mother of all evil military havens Los Alamos. I'm just saying, if it quacks like a duck... take the hint. Orgone energy stops manufactured drought. While in the Enchanted Circle, we pulled-off ever chance we could; every camp site, every recreation and picnic area, every body of water. We buried earth pipes in droves. Every small town, every electrical spot, even the airport. The result of hammering EPs into the ground was the same every time; gusts of wind, many of them massive. I've explained this to friend who couldn't grasp this idea, until they came with us on our recent gifting adventures this year. Now, when my counterpart gets out of the car and disappears to run off and bury a pipe, my friend waits by the car idly and every time now, they feel the breeze with every single pipe buried. You just know when it hits the ground. You have to experience it yourself in order for it to make sense. Go make some earth pipes and start burying them across the land. Also, take a windbreaker with you. You'll be glad you did. Back to the Lone Star State Now, I don't know everyone out there in the world who's busting towers (and frankly, if you do this work, then you know (like me) there aren't enough people busting towers yet in the world), but I know quite a few around the country, and some abroad. One of my good friends plays a major role in busting towers in Texas, and he's helped others take an active role since Wuhan Wiggle began by teaching people how to make orgonite and getting them involved with this battle. He also held a workshop recently that involved free stuff for attendees, including a home-visit and literal Orgone energy exorcism, where he would come and bust the towers in your community and grid your home with devices. He's another selfless gifter, like me, and another reminder of why I have no respect nor patience for Orgonite makers who focus on selling crystal crap before gifting, including those who never say a word about the true purpose of this technology; that is, towerbusting, the energy war, HAARP, Wilhelm Reich, and parasites. Like me, my friends comprehend we're in the 11th hour and 59th minute of this agenda, and we need to end it now, once and for all. Additionally, as mentioned in my previous post, I have a circle of weather warrior friends all over the United States, with two abroad, all of them under the radar for obvious reasons. I am fortunate to be in a position to run my mouth openly. Two friends in particular, including the one in Texas, have been by my side since (practically) the beginning, despite each of us living in different states. Two more have joined the circle (you know who you are reading this). We've all found ourselves residing in strategic locations that allow our massive gifting efforts to work in tandem and destroy HAARP in larger portions of the country. We also live above some sinister shit that needs to be destroyed using Orgone energy. I'll elaborate on this later, but for now, think "DUMBS" aka deep underground military bases and a web of ley lines that have been bastardized energetically and need to be restored. My friends and I team-up, we compare notes and forecasts, and we pinpoint parasitic patterns with the weather, chemtrail activity, and microwave lines and DOR in the sky. We are constantly sharing images, videos, and updates regarding our local environments, and narrowing down details to make far more sense of this agenda by putting our heads together. As I've mentioned before, we even designate time during our parasite-killing days to troll some of the asshole weather actors on TV who troll us right back; because those demonic f*ckers know exactly who we are, and they know exactly who's f*cking up their climate agenda of good versus evil. I've said it a hundred times before; meteorologists are actors. They know exactly what they're doing. It's also why they write the phrase "We're your weather authority" on the TV screen when you watch the news. Simply by watching and believing they have any insight into their predictions, you consent to their agenda by default. They are in fact the authority of your weather. Side note; stop giving them your energy! Also, start busting towers and watch how the actors change their tone. It will blow your mind when you see them talking into the screen and you know they're winking at you. You will believe it when you see it yourself. It's impossible to make sense of everything if you have no experience in the weather warrior arena. This is why I'll be a blunt and broken record when I remind you; get busy busting towers. Then, come talk to me about the trials, tribulations, and perplexing anomalies you experience, because it's practically an initiation with the incredibly weird shit that happens in your life once you start doing this work. And no, it is not something to worry about as long as you remain grounded and humble. It is a spiritual and psychological game. Stay true to your heart, mind, and self, and you'll be just fine. Also, get yourself a succor punch tool when you start busting towers. Personal Experience is the Best Source You Have When I say personal experience is the best source you have and apply it in the realm of the weather war, of course I'm speaking strictly about those of us actually destroying HAARP, not those simply selling orgonite products and conning you into believing they have any impact toward destroying this agenda. They have literally no skin in this energetic game, and they need to sit down and stop running their mouths. Just go back to making crystal trinkets and doodads that don't have enough metal to function as real Orogonite and keep telling easily-duped people your products help with "jui jui vibes" (looking at you, Mr. "Enjoying the Delusion"). Side note, tartaric acid is a fancy name for cream of tartar. No, orgone devices do not need cream of tartar placed inside to function; that's another peculiar but humorous dis-information tip that only serves to convince already-skeptic people that orgonite is woo woo nonsense. I also tell people to be mindful of the symbols they place inside Orgone devices because they carry an energy signature. I'm not sure who wants an eye of Horus symbol peaking out the top of a towerbuster or pyramid on the nightstand when humanity isn't fully awakened yet to know what these symbols imply energetically, at least, not in their full capacity. I mean, I hear people say all the time that the swastika is an energetic symbol that's not necessarily bad; and while some of the conjecture-based evidence makes one reconsider the Nazi's use of it, there are plenty of government buildings and government lands that utilize some of these symbols for obvious occult purposes. Even if the symbol is positive at its core, there are entities using them for purposes that are pretty sinister and dark. I'm looking at you, Denver Airport (aka the New World Order Headquarters). The runways are laid-out in the shape of a swastika, for anyone who didn't know that already. I'm just saying, tread lightly when placing ancient symbols inside of Orgone devices. Also, I've held this opinion for a long time and it's time to unleash it - Anyone can learn how to make orgone devices for free. I have a section on my website, and I'll be releasing some how-to videos soon that are a bit more specific about smaller devices. Currently, I have fantastically-detailed downloadable instructions for chembusters; those kick ass sky-cleaning towers with copper pipes that you see scattered all over my website and my property. Additionally, I'll gladly recommend numerous sources to you by others doing this honorable work, because they need support just like I do, and there's some fantastic resources out there for free. Contrary to what most people think, every towerbuster, earth pipe, chembuster, and gifting adventure I've mentioned over the years is paid for out of my own pockets. No, I'm not crazy. I've been fortunate in my matrix job that has nothing to do with my Orgone research. I simply want to live in a world where humanity is free (or at least those of us who want to be free will be free, because we've learned some people actually don't want to be free). I recently had a friend make a donation and nudge me to say it's okay to ask for donations, so like others doing honest gifting, I'm making this my offical point to say donations are of course welcome, as the cost of saving the planet adds up exponentially. Did you know there's like, a bazillion towers on Earth? It's never-ending work. The materials, time, and energy is a lot, and anyone busting towers knows this. The Sleazy Salesmen There's no shortage of parasites who make up the sleazy salesman side of disinformation, asking you to pay hundreds, sometimes thousands of dollars just to learn these concepts and how to make Orgonite from an online "school" (or whatever it wants to label itself). This is a clear example of the parasitic infiltration of this energy war. Some of us believe every human on Earth has a right to own these devices, affordably, so please keep this in mind to avoid being swindled. I've noticed as the agenda comes to light and more humans realize this agenda is far more than a physical problem, the number of Orgonite sellers has gone through the f*cking roof. Furthermore, the majority of those devices aren't even properly made. I get countless emails and images from people asking me if the Orgone pieces they've purchased were legit and actually work, and the answer is most often a resounding no. The reason is because people don't know what they're doing, and they latch on to this crystal trend to make a buck. In most cases, there's never enough metal components used in the devices, or the claims being made are so ridiculous and farfetched. If you come to Sedona, assuming you are not a parasite, I welcome visitors to my workshop to see properly made devices and will happily teach you how to make them yourself. I will also send you home with something. I've become much more vocal regarding the fraud that is the majority of "Orgonite" on the market, and I'll be the first to tell you, if you visit a crystal shop in Sedona, don't waste your money unless you're buying it solely for looks, not functionality. Yeah, I said it, the devices in Sedona are trash unless you get them directly from an individual, and even then, be mindful of how much metal is used to create it. I hear this time and again from people who learn about crappy Orgonite the hard way; buyer's remorse. These types of devices have a name we now refer to as "Orgonot". To learn about Orgonot, click HERE. If you want to float someone a donation for their time and effort in teaching you these things, that's wonderful and generous; but if someone makes a device that doesn't do what you think it's doing (that is, protect you from EMF), or withholds this technology in exchange for money like the parasitic system of academia that needs to just die already, I find it ridiculous and one of the many parasitic hurdles people like myself have to outmaneuver in order to motivate others to join this fight. There are more than enough resources to do this work respectively on a budget and without human selfishness. Otherwise, these parasites are reinventing the same parasitic system of monetary greed that they claim to hate, but with shiny crystals and extra steps. Knowledge should be free to those willing to seek it. Now I digress.
The first two chopper videos above involved chembuster building in my backyard in Chicago, which most likely signaled the matrix to come out and see what was going on. Think of it as Agent Smith; similar to when a maskhole tries to accost you in public for not wearing a mask because you're not an idiot. The third video with the hovering chopper directly above me happened while in a cab on the Kennedy in Chicago. I was transporting two large wheeled Samsonite's and a duffel with hundreds of towerbusters and pyramids. We were heading to Midway, where we departed for Costa Rica. I lost a shit ton of orgonite in Costa Rica that year. Oh darn... Side note, I get asked this question a lot, and the answer is no, TSA doesn't care about Orgonite. They've asked me what it was and fiddled around my bags on three different trips, but they don't really care. They also accepted some pieces for themselves when I educated them about the dangers of the microwave toys they stand next to all day every day. It's a win-win. Plus airports are one of the largest EMF spots for gifting. Think about it. Weather War Disinformation Agents Throughout my journey of studying Orgonomy, I've learned more about geoengineering than I have from the physical patents and the mouth pieces of the parasitic government that want humanity to believe it has complete control over this agenda. Part of that journey also taught me to be mindful enough to research all aspects of the agenda; that is, the agenda to suppress the advancement of the collective consciousness and enslave humanity, as well as the agenda to distract from the truth of it all. Throughout my work, I eventually created my own Agent Litmus Test for identifying... you guessed it... agents! The agents as we weather warriors label them, range from the clueless twat on social media (the one who peddles headlines of doom and gloom with no solutions), to the professional shill weatherman who obviously knows what's up and takes orders daily via scripts created by their overlords at Weather Central. Side note, did you know the weather content you see and hear every single day, no matter what the source is, comes from the same entity? Did you know that same entity is partnered with private corporations who hold the majority of weather modification patents? Did you know those entities are owned by the notorious banking family that shall remain nameless? Did you know meteorologists are actors who simply read scripts? If you don't believe me, checkout my Orgone Energy page and look for the Fear Porn Forecast videos at the bottom. When I still lived in Chicago, I would record the weather segments from ABC's favorite helmet-haired weather woman, Tracy Butler each morning before heading to my matrix job. I then edited the videos during my commute with commentary to pinpoint the mind control agenda these parasites pushed while attaching low vibrational messages of negativity and fear to concepts of rain or anything having to do with moisture and precipitation. Give it a try. Go watch your local weather actors and pay close attention to how they discuss rain, snow, and moisture. Also pay attention to their use of the word "cloud cover." Once you pick up on this agenda, the Texas stuff begins to make sense. There's moisture falling to the ground, regardless of the method, and it's part of the rain cycle, and therefore part of the life cycle. Because these parasites are anti-life, you can figure out why they hate any form of precipitation. That is why the headlines paint doom and gloom all over the screen regarding this weather. Just in the last two months, Arizona has had a ton of precipitation, and a snowstorrm that's already brought new life to everything around here after a lackluster monsoon season last year. The media couldn't go two seconds without attaching negativity to the forecast, and keep in mind, we had four days straight of consistent but calm rain which saturated everything perfectly, followed by three days of snow that sealed the deal. At the time of posting this, it's rained three more times and snowed once. 2021 weather has been a gift from God, yet these headlines below are what the media pushes, because they need the collective mindset to associate negativity with the healing and restoration process of this planet. For example, in order: public services cancelled due to weather (bad), Vaccine efforts slowed down (they say bad but this is actually wonderful), then they gotta use the word avalanche (bad), then hikers stranded for two days (bad), then another vaccination issue (good but they call it bad), then travel delays and crashes on the highway (bad), then more dangerous travel issues (bad), then another hiker rescue issue (bad), then a reminder about drought (bad). Even though Arizona already looks better and spring will soon be abundant, the media still couldn't help but use the words "drought stricken" in the last article. It's ridiculous, and it's obvious, and when you look for it regarding your own weather updates, you'll see the same image. Just another inversion perversion of manipulating humanity into hating Mother Nature. Now regarding Texas, I get it, many people are without power; but it's very likely that's not because of the storm. If you study the realm of Orgone, and in this case Nikola Tesla, you'll eventually learn enough puzzle pieces to convince you that electricity is produced from the ground, for free, in abundance. I mean, what do you honestly think those small substations are connected to that are all over the place? Is it really just giant extension cords leading to the larger/nuke plants hundreds of miles away? That's ridiculous. Go study Nikola Tesla's wireless energy research. The Earth is a battery. Also, go reseach the Baghdad Battery. What you see as power generation in this realm is part of the curtain covering this reality. Also, oil is infinite and it's a living microbial sludge. If you think it's decomposed dinosaurs, bless your heart, but I seriously can't help you. Might I suggest a Covid vaccine to take your mind off of these topics? In the case of the power outages in Texas, the electricity is most likely off for the same reason they pull the plug in Californistan all the time; because the government is full of assholes who cause nothing but human misery. The snowstorm is the perfect cover, just like those fires they intentionally set with frequency weapons and arson. Don't take my word for it. Do the damn research. You might learn why there's an alleged pyramid under the Hoover Dam too (you know, that energy device that supposedly powers a little place called "Sin City." But alas, I digress... One can of energetic worms at a time. Back to agents, the lower level clueless twats typically spread dis- and mis-information while not realizing what they peddle is negative nonsense, and rarely do they have bad intentions. They simply believe they're helping humanity by exposing this agenda as a war of nano particulates of aluminum, barium, and strontium. The reason for this agenda is because once you're fixated on these points, you'll never dig deeper into the frequency war. It's meant to be as simplistic as:
This is simply not the full story. Also, who are these people following behind the planes and taking samples directly from the exhaust and then testing it? Yes, the government sprays all kinds of things, and tons of it is on the books along with the patent numbers, but why does that mean what we see contolling the weather is exactly that? We're not testing this supposed spray ourselves. Additionally, the entity who you think wants you dead is actually controlled by an entity who needs you alive and kicking. It's your energy they want dead, and they manipulate and kill it from far beyond a government role or government pay grade. It's the number one reason the media and news exists. Energy manipulation. I've touched on this repeatedly over the years, and one of the best ways to make sense of this is to research energy and occult magick. I'll do a post in the near future that highlights this topic and provides a starting point. Otherwise, email me and I'll send you some springboard resources. The Chemtrail Brigade There are many people who fall into the chemtrail brigade; a groups of folks who appear on the surface to mean well by dropping truth bombs with verifiable talking points. But when you expose yourself to the research of things like Wilhelm Reich, or read his work in conjunction with all of these energy and universe topics, or more importantly you destroy the frequency fence with orgone devices, then what you experience with every physical sense no longer matches the simplistic agenda these agents work overtime to make you believe. I learned this first hand when a fellow Orgone worker, Sharon of The Chembow spoke about an event in California held by the same people running the website Now, I personally remember learning from that website at the beginning of my chemtrail journey, but as time went on, I grew tired and anxious because there was nothing positive provided to me, and no solution to this insane problem plaguing my life was ever presented. In a nutshell, I smelled a rat, and Sharon's story made this all the more clear to me when I started adhering to a solution-driven lifestyle. Sharon allegedly notified the alleged parasite running the website (I no longer use his name and I use the word alleged because this is what I was only told, not my own experience), and she informed him there was a solution to stopping chemtrails (meaning Orgone energy and towerbusting). The idea was that Sharon and her partner wanted to attend this particular event and share solutions. The response she allegedly received was not the one I would have expected. Read onward to see why.
Another not-so-lovely parasite of the chemtrail brigade is a man by the name a Scott Stevens. I was introduced to Scott's work via the Gaia TV Network, which in itself is a can of Luciferian worms. The show was called Open Minds, with Regina Meredith. Scott was a meteorologist-turned-whistleblower who spoke about geoengineering, specifically, chemtrails. He was "by-the-numbers" with his talking points as he spoke about the physical aspects of this agenda (nano metals, patents, companies making bets on the stock market wagering their crops would be destroyed by weather modification which was ultimately connected to the same companies doing the damage via geoengineering activity in the first place). It seemed logical and honest, until the moment the word "orgone" was mumbled in the broadcast, and the conversation immediately changed and not a single word was mentioned about it afterward. What did follow was the routine doom and gloom I typically see, along with the promotion of supplements and a type of Orumus beverage. I will add Mr. Stevens guest-starred a second time, in which no solutions were offered once again, and the idea of Orgone was ignored. Then he pushed his supplement beverage again. So when it's not government connections causing you to ignore solutions while pushing fear porn, it's a vested interest in selling supplements and detox products while pushing fear porn. Remember this for the next part. Please go read my recent post debunking the snowball burning videos. In recent weeks, there's been a lot of folks on TikTok and Instagram trying to convince you the snow is filled with chemtrail poison or the snow is simply "fake." While I'm sure not everyone involved had negative intentions, I found it incredibly interesting that the majority of videos I found were created by people who had a very famous detox zeolite spray available for sale on their websites, Instagrams, and TikToks. Just an observation. Also, before you run and tell those people "Mitch is a meanie," I'll have you know I purchased quite a bit of that same zeolite spray over the last year (I'm talking about Advanced TRS), and I can confirm, based on my own experience, it does infact do some miraculous things. I'm not denying it. However, I've immediately stopped using it after recently learning new information regarding zeolites and the fact that a lot of those available on the market are not tested properly and hold/maintain a concerning level of radioactivity. I also learned that TRS is synthetically created, meaning unnaturally made, meaning it's a bottle of synthetically manufactured nano-sized particles. Now, to me, that's a vital point that I would find important to the conversation prior to investing in the product. Call me crazy. I can already hear the banchees screaming "he's a disinformation agent." So, again I'll repeat this: I can attest to many of the benefits of TRS. I am also not suggesting people stop using it. I am simply asking people to again think bigger and keep going with your quest for truth. It's also worth noting that in my own experience, the individuals I've seen and heard on social media bitching the loudest about the burned snowballs and chemtrails, especially while ignoring any discussion of Orgone or solutions to these problems, are coincidentally those same individuals selling these types of products. This is simply an observation, but I'm not going to pretend that little tidbit of information isn't true. Either you examine all of the presented information or you don't, but if you don't, then please do not pretend to know what you're talking about. And I've said repeatedly, there's no money in real solutions. When the geoengineering problem is resolved (meaning an end to the consciousness suppression and energy war), there won't be a need for most of the expensive products available on the market. Back to the government angle of disinformation, another poster child that crosses my radar of incoming messages is Kristen Meghan. Kristen was allegedly a part of the US military and had a hand in overseeing the transportation of chemicals to military facilities. In my research, she's another one who's focused solely on reminding you this agenda is the result of a bunch of physical chemicals, run by physical people, operated by daddy government, which she allegedly had access to and signed-off in transporting from place to place. If you've had the misfortune of hearing her rant, you know there's not a glimmer of hope anywhere to be found. I know, right? A government affiliated person spreading despair and hopelessness to humanity. Who would have thought? And if you think I'm being unreasonable, try this on. Have you ever seen the film What in the World are They Spraying? If you have, then you know it's littered with fear porn and kindergarten levels of disclosure. It's the posterchild for disinformation with a side of freshman level geoengineering agenda, meant to look like a tool for waking up the people. But why make the film when it offered no hope? Perhaps it was just an introduction to these concepts and wasn't meant to provide a solution, but simply raise awareness. Okay, fair enough. So then why did the director make a second film Why in the World are They Spraying? in which nothing new was presented, just the same interchangeable content where no solution was offered with an extra side of fear porn? Perhaps the first batch of fear porn wasn't fear porny enough. Okay, I suppose. Maybe it was just meant to be treated as raising more awareness. (side note, awareness is literally the least you can do next to doing nothing at all). So then (this is getting old, by the way) why was there talk of a third film set to complete these first two, titled Who is Spraying? Oh, wait, you didn't hear about that movie did you? It was shut down before it became anything and never discussed again. And since then, the only production information that continued was some batch of BS titled UNconventional Grey, with a strange use of the "UN" and either a British spelling of the color grey or a strange way of shoe-horning the word Grey like the commonly known alien species (no, I am not suggesting any particular viewpoint in reference to Grey aliens, it was simply the only other term for Grey I could find in my research). Frankly, I'm more interested in the use of the capital letters "UN," as well as the frequency of the color in question. Additionally, in reading a synopsis of the film, it referenced some funding that was being raised back around 2015 in order to either produce the film or fly some planes up into the sky and collect samples of chemtrail spray in order to test it. Funny enough, the info I found hit a brick wall and all I could gather was that the director's social media suggested the film would officially end geoengienering, which I have to admit is cute and ambitious. I also found a page making accusations about the director, allegedly scamming people out of money for funding the film. Also, the film's URL domain is listed for sale. Frankly, none of this is surprising. I'm just sorry the plans never took off. I'm also sorry the planes never took off either, haha (learn to laugh, people). While it's not much to go on, it makes sense to me. If a regular Joe Shmoe like myself or any of these other Orgone workers can step up to the plate and start a solution-based movement, then I would think a movie director with funding and a production studio could also do the same; unless... perhaps there's something you weren't supposed to know about the agenda regarding the who of what's going on in the world of geoengineering. Perhaps you're not supposed to know what's coming out of those planes that appear to be spraying either? As I've said, think bigger! The Wake-Up Law of Energy Degredation So what happens now? People ask me this every day, and I'll be blunt. Start preparing for a massive incoming of stupid bullshit; because the frequency fence is breaking down and the matrix cannot keep up the illusion much longer. I coined a phrase I'm quite fond of called the Wake-Up Law of Energy Degradation; and what it means is that every time the parasites push an agenda to conjure and manipulate the collective's energy to become more powerful, the depth of the agenda at that particular moment is too intense for a select segment of the human population to continue falling for it. This results in a specific "semi-woke" segment of humans to be abruptly jolted and finally wake up. Then, because there are now fewer humans in the pool of sleeping sheep to conjure the collective energy from, the parasites' next agenda must be even more intense and absurd and stupid, in order to acquire the necessary level of collective energy they need for themselves and their continued bullshit. The result is the same as before; meaning a certain segment of those sleeping humans are abruptly jolted because the agenda is too absurd, and thus, the remaining pool of sleeping humans is now smaller and less powerful than the previous instance. Lather, rinse, and repeat. Eventually, we've arrived in a world where people on TV tell sleeping humans to wear three masks and bend over for an anal swab because the absurdity must be so insane to acquire the same level of energy from the ever-shrinking pool of sleeping sheep. It's why some humans are living inside of plastic bubbles and have become lost causes. It's just that crazy, because it has to be that level of crazy. My view is the agendas will become so crazy and stupid, the pile of sleeping sheep will shink until there are none left for the parasites to feed on; and eventually, the parasites will die. Just brace for impact, and try to laugh while you can. Did You Know that putting "did you know" in front of a statement makes it a fact? I'm joking of course, as you probably guessed, but think about that phrase for a moment. Pay attention to it when you see it. This phrase is being used prominently as these agendas ramp-up. When it comes to research, why do humans believe one thing so easily while being skeptic of others? Why do people have Show Me The Receipts Syndrome? Here are a few common examples where we all pick and choose when to ask for receipts: 1). The media hates Trump, therefore Trump is not a part of the planetary agenda, and therfore he must be one of the good guys. Hmm... Okay. But is it really so hard to believe that the same overlord entities who control all of media, Hollywood, politics, government, and pretty much the entire planet and every narrative ever created wouldn't just control this narrative as well, in order to gain support for something or someone who's actually a part of the same agenda? Asking for a friend. 2) Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland. Also, Adolf Hitler used fluoride in concentration camps to make Jews docile and compliant towards authority. Hmm... Okay. But did you test a population of humans consuming fluoride over a lifetime period and compare the data with a control population who did not consume fluoride over a lifetime period; and if so, how long did you conduct and measure the study? Please elaborate by explaining to me the number of human brains you've dissected as well. Any personal stories and anecdotes about your lifetime spent in Auchwitz as Hitler's BFF might also be beneficial to the study. Please elaborate. 3) There's not one legitimate, real photograph or image of planet Earth that's ever been provided by NASA. Also, the Hubble Telescope does not exist; It's a military plane called Sofia that takes pictures. Therefore, the Earth is not a globe. It is flat. Hmm... Okay. I didn't catch your uploaded photos from your vacation to outerspace that you posted on Facebook. Can you send me a link? Or was it a disposable Fuji and you only have the hard copies? First of all, everyone calm down and take a joke. Let me start by pointing out that part about Hubble is true, believe it or not. I just slid that in there because although most people realize NASA lies, they don't comprehend the level of how much NASA lies. I've posted about it before while no one bothered to read my stuff. To the trolls and shills who will no doubt misconstrue everything within these three talking points and to those who will put words in my mouth that were never said, the point I'm making is this: We have surpassed the information age. We are literally in the disinformation age; the age in which there's an overload of information available, while there's simultaneously a force hijacking our collective attention span, leaving many truth seekers on a misguided path of getting from point A to point B. We often take what we learn from any source as long as it meets our belief system and then we use it, regurgitate it, and continue the cycle of jumbled information. Then we remain lost. Regarding the first point about Trump, all I will say is the enemy of your enemy is not necessarily your friend. That is all I am saying on that topic, but for anyone upset, click HERE to send me your hate mail. To the anti-fluoride folks who might be questioning my comments, I firmly detest fluoride and I'm aware it's a cancer-causing neurotoxin, and I do everything humanly possible to remove it from my life. There is far more concrete research out there to prove this to be true, yet has nothing to do with Hitler or the pineal gland. In my view, that information is meant for the same purposes as the aluminum, barium, strontium argument with chemtrails. It's the 80/20 truth/lies. For the sensitive psychos and butthurt boneheads, I also do not condone Nazi behavior, so spare the self-victimhood about Hitler. Click HERE for some resources that are right up your alley. (Can you tell I get a lot of trolls and shills on my page)? Lastly, for the NASA lovers or haters who are offended, well... I've never been to outer space. I know NASA lies all the time. I know chemtrail activity increases during certain moon cycles, and I've seen the documentary Shoot the Moon by Crow777 and Jason Lindgren. Aside from that, because of my own personal experience and personal work, I'm starting to think I know more than either of you goofball groups because I know what's "traveling" through the Orgone envelope that encases this realm and why it terraforms Planet Earth. You're both pointing at humans who lie to you. I'm pointing at their masters whom you've been programmed to ignore. I'm also confident I'll find the answers I'm looking for before you find yours, because you don't even know who you should be pissed at. Please go make yourself useful and bust some towers. Also, your complaints can be directed HERE. The Cycle of Easy Answers The cycle of seeking easy answers is like an addition. People expect a blurb to tell them how the entire universe works, when the research process takes countless years and never officially ends. If you can't explain something within the limitations of (anti)social media, these types decide instantly that you're wrong about whatever it is they think you're wrong about, even though they came to you for the info and you reminded them to do their research and not simply trust everything you said. They never do any further research. I've said repeatedly, none of this will make absolute sense unless you're willing to do your own reasearch and start busting down the frequency fence. I'll never have the ideal summary for any of this, because a summary does no good for an agenda of this magnitude. Still, I try... Here's a few takeaways to think about for those who have yet to put any of this into practice and start finding solutions to the real problems they face:
I know some people will dislike every word of this post. But I'm challenging people to keep researching instead of posting repetitive images and verbiage pertaining to geoengineering and chemtrails as if they know the full story. I expect the pushback, because no matter how collective and compassionate I make my request to them, I know they only hear "you're doing it wrong..." which is not what I'm saying at all. I am simply asking the question, "what research have you done, and to what extent have you done it?" Even to those people sharing my work, I really hope your journey to find answers pertaining to these topics does not simply stop after I've told you something either.
Pot, Meet Kettle As I attmept to wrap up this novel, I want to address some mental gymnastics pertaining to wildfires and something called DEWS, specifically meaning Direct Energy Weapons. Have you seen those photos circling the web around the time of the California fires, illustrating laser beams shooting down from the sky? These photos always appear to have been taken with a potato instead of a camera, and the included photo commentary, stories, and social media posts immediately insinuate it's the result of military craft or satellite technology blasting homes to bits over places like Paradise, California. Now, I suppose this might be possible, but there's a big part of this puzzle missing. Who took the photo? There's never a source, and anyone who's Photoshop saavy can see the photos are altered. So then "what the hell is causing the fires, Mitch," you ask? Well, if you're aware the government is evil and starting these fires intentionally as part of Agenda 21/30, and if you're aware of Agenda 21/30 in any capacity, then you're also aware the government has been placing very powerful microwave energy devices directly on homes in the form of what's known as a smart meter. Smart meters are literally microwave devices. So is your wifi router. So is the phone in your pocket. So is your Amazon Wire Tap. So is your Nest Doorbell. So is your smart TV. So is your Tesla car. So is your Fit bit. Think about it. How about the electrical grid coercing through every home? What about those cell towers in the neighborhood? Have you ever put something metal inside of a microwave or left it running for too long that it ignited the contents inside? For some reason, people make huge leaps between the causes and effects of these agendas, when the truth is typically the simplest and most likely explanation. Instead of investigating the literal microwave oven surrounding humanity's environment, people prefer to go with the Death Star motive. And the kicker of irony is that the photos have questionable sources, appear to be doctored, and offer flimsy evidence as we all know the capabilities of things like CGI and Photoshop. Yes, I saw the cars melted in Paradise. I'm not denying the type of weapon (energy weapons), I'm saying I question the method (Death Star beam versus the microwave they can already create and pinpoint on the ground). These same people using these photos are the same ones ragging on people who believe the images of Earth provided by NASA are true. I'm finding that the people making fun of other people who believe in Space Force are the same people who believe this Death Star DEW technology. Everyone is entitled to believe what they want. My point however is Pot, meet Kettle. Think Bigger! The main takeaway with this post in regards to weather manipulation, chemtrails, and Orgone is that, as Reich's quote said, there really are no authorities on proof, and trying to prove something that is unknown to someone who is ignorant of the unknown or fearful of its threatening power is pointless and there's no use even trying. But I'll leave you with this: Since the Wuhan Wiggle began, I've been asked (more times than I can count) what I think the future holds, what I think will happen to humanity, and if I'm worried about the future; and the answer is I think the future holds hope. I think parts of humanity will thrive while others will be eternally f*cked. And no, I'm not worried, because unlike the majority, I'm focused on a solution instead of just the problem. And if you want a taste of that, and you want some hope and a fighting chance, then the only way you're getting there is by focusing on the solution; the actual solution, the actual enemy, the actual problem, and the actual reality in which you live. We're all on the road to get there... Problem is, the road to get there is a highway of mis- and dis-information hell. Thank you for reading! UPDATE: After posting this piece, I received a message from someone on Instagram asking me for my opinion on a video by a random account. This video highlighted footage of a kitchen, and the voice of a man asking what was going on with the snow in Texas. He claimed in the video that he put the snow in the microwave and it started sparking, so he then put it inside a pot and placed it on the stove top, which he zoomed-in to show it on the stove top. He also zoomed-in on a pot of snow inside the oven. His voice-over dialogue stated that the snow began sparking in the microwave, and then claimed the snow did not melt on the stove top nor would it melt in the oven. A few red flags that immediately stood out: There was obviously no proof of the microwave story. The bulk of the footage in the video was sloppy and shifting around and the voice-over telling the viewer about the sparks from putting it in the microwave cut in and out. Now, this might sound dangerous, but if that happened to me, my ass would be outside on the driveway with an extension cord in a heartbeat, and it would lead to the microwave so I could re-test this sparking anomaly safely away from my house... and you better believe I would do my damnedest to capture the sparks on camera, because if the snow was truly sparking, that would probably blow a lot of people's minds. Instead, the entire video was just conjecture. This was a red flag. Next. The screen at the bottom of the video had a caption that said "is this some type of alien" and nothing more. Why include that text? It makes no sense unless you're trying to shoe-horn some kind of implied message, because he also made another shoe-horned statement that I'll discuss in a second, but the point is the implied statements being nudged in this video are on opposite sides of the conspiracy spectrum, as if the person in the video was trying to just throw the viewer for a loop. Red flag. Next. The stove top and the oven did not appear to be turned on or indicate they were even warm or had even been previously warmed, so his points about the snow not melting were useless and irrelevant without any proof. He proved nothing. Next. He claimed the snow in one of the pots "got hard like a rock." In the footage, it just looked like to pots were filled with wet snow, like the kind where you could build a snowball or snowman with ease; and you could see a sizeable puddle of water at the bottom of the pot, like a slushie that melted. This statement about "hard like a rock" didn't really prove anything either. He also did not touch the snow with his hands or even a utensil to give any indication or illustrate that the snow was real. For all the viewer could tell, it could have been snow from a can, piled in a pot with some real water to mess with people's heads. Realistically, it just looked like a pile of wet, melting snow in a pot. Just very odd. Next. The audio cut out at different times, and the person speaking (the owner of the video) was not even on camera so you had no idea who's video this was and no idea who was speaking. Very odd, considering the rest of this sketchy crap. Next. The person shoe-horned a phrase into the video, much like the "alien" caption, while moving the camera around between views of each pot of snow. He asked if anyone could tell him "is this the government." It was very peculiar how he said it, almost like a script and like he needed the viewers to think it might be the government. My spidey senses went off at this point. Next The guy had 24,000 IG followers. Anyone with at least one functioning brain cell knows the IG algorithms and the tech overlords of these agendas would never let you speak openly about this topic in the way he presented it, without censorship... unless they wanted it to be shared (hint hint). Next. Someone claiming to be in Houston called bullshit on the video in the comment section. Then an unusual number of other accounts with sketchy patterns of followers (I call them dead end accounts) all started attacking her as if in unison. The person in Houston made her own video on her own IG account showing herself take the actual snow in Houston and melt it with no issue. She performed the entire task on camera, and asked why people were lying about the snow in Texas. Things are becoming very odd, but not surprising. Next. The guy who made the video and made the claims about the microwave has a lot of promotional stuff on his page, like he's an influencer or other stupid nonsensical IG god wannabe. His posts were a jumbled mess of incoherent psychobabble and hashtags. Unfortunately, I'm not fluent in the language of "discount gangster wannabe." Next.
I remember all of this because. I posted about it. It was hot outside while watching people on social media try and convince idiots it was cold here (among everywhere else). It seriously made no f*cking sense. I also remember one of the videos being passed around the interwebs was allegedly from Tucson, and the person in the video was talking about how cold it was in Tucson, while sipping from an empty coffee cup like the rest of them. They just kept repeating how cold it was, with terrible acting and some were cracking smiles with acting skills of a D-list soap opera. The person in Tuscon, along with all of these idiots, was shoe-horning the most bizarre verbiage into their very scripted dialogue. That's when the videos started getting passed around with a hashtag "heatscam." Remember, truth is stranger than fiction. Something wants the world to think the snow in Texas is fake and created by the government. Additionally, people who are melting snowballs on video need to go back to elementary school and learn how energy transfers from hot-cold. A reminder, you can read my snowball debunk post HERE. Now is probably a good time to officially say the following:
This might sound weird, or absurd, or downright insane. But again, if you join this weather war, research all sides of the geoengineering agenda, read Reich's books, research Orgone workers such as myself (and the list of folks I recommend throughout my website), and most importantly-- gift Orgone devices and bust towers to help destroy the frequency fence, then none of everything you just read or watched with these snow videos would seem that unusual at all. Something that's super messed-up is going on with controlled opposition, but I think it's still too early to fully comprehend every detail. What I'm confident in saying now is that someone or something really wants the world to think the snow falling around the US (particularly Texas) is fake, and they want you to believe it was created by the government and they want you to believe the government has that power. If you read my work, and you live in Texas, let me know your thoughts, because my friends in Texas told me the snow wasn't that bad and much of it melted right away. Also, they pulled the power plug when they didn't actually need to do so. That's pretty obvious. Also, I'd be curious to know who's had issues with their cell service, wifi, or any communication-based frequency devices in the last week. In and around Sedona, I'm hearing about all over the place; shitty service, outages, etc. In my own experience, my mobile phone has not had service anywhere in town since we started beefing-up our towerbusting efforts with gifting this year (2021). I'm hearing the same thing from all over the United States. Another coincidence to add to the pile. I'm beginning to think the parasites may have lost even more energetic/frequency power over humanity than I initially thought. The dis-information campaign regarding this weather is in full swing like I've never seen before. The world is weirder than most people realize. When you start tapping into the energy of it, and healing the negative energy of it, shit gets super weird, super fast; and it sounds like it's getting weirder with each passing minute. More to come, I think...
Did you know many of us saw this weather war coming a long time ago? Did you realize Pedo Joe kept parroting the phrase “Americans are in for a dark winter?” Did you catch these occult psychopaths saying they were “battling for the soul of a nation?”
Did you notice everything about Wuhan Wiggle, which began on Friday the 13th (3/13/20) with Trump’s declaration, has related to air (the sign of our alleged/present Aquarius)? Did you notice the army of sheeple chanting “I can’t breathe” while wearing face diapers last year? Did you notice they just named this snowstorm Uri, which medically speaking means Upper Respiratory Infection? These people are fucking with you on a level that most humans can’t and won’t comprehend. It’s why nothing makes sense anymore to the masses. It’s why many of us who began noticing these patterns years ago are sitting here wondering when in the hell humans will wake up and take back their power, physically and energetically. See this image up top? This is an expose by Cory Daniel of The Phoenix Enigma. It’s far more than a story about the death of a piece of shit senator. It’s a freshman-level springboard into more easily comprehending the enemy you’re dealing with so you can navigate this realm and make sense of it. If you click the image up top it should direct you to the specific article written by Cory, and the video below should direct you to his video presentation on the same subject matter. I plan to keep sharing resource nuggets like this one for those willing to face reality. Everything is energy! #orgone There are far too many people bitching about other people misusing science to prove their points, only for those same people to misuse science themselves.
My point is this: I’m the first to admit the government is evil and manipulates the weather; but everyone is being tricked into giving the government more power than it actually has. They cannot “make” snow or rain; only nature can. They can however create conditions that dry-up moisture and cause drought, and alter patterns to move weather to certain locations via HAARP. The only reason Texas has a blizzard is because it’s been concentrated there, just like Hurricane Harvey (another time for that can of worms). Please go study Wilhelm Reich, Cosmic Orgone Engineering (the original term for geoengineering before it was cool), and learn what's really going on with who and what is terraforming the planet.
Yes, again, the government sprays, but they are duping you into believing they have power over this snow, and that’s simply untrue. This is far above the government, the banking families, satanists, etc. We live in a naturally wet realm, and if you take the time to study the bigger picture instead of simply believing everything you see on Instagram and Tik Tok, you’ll learn how little the government is actually involved. This is clear-cut controlled opposition. The earth is healing, slowly but surely. Part of that process is restoring all of the moisture that’s been suppressed for eons. If you honestly think this is the government just making snow, please visit my Best of Chemtrails page on my website. UPDATE: One more thing: the structure of snow crystals allows them to absorb pollutants from the air, much like a filter cleaning the air. As they fall to the ground in urban areas, they capture all kinds of pollution, including everything from car exhaust to large industrial pollution. It is unfair and misleading to jump immediately to the conclusion that any pollutants in the snow automatically means “it’s the chemtrails.” There are far too many people bitching about other people misusing science to prove their points, only for those same people to misuse science themselves. Visit my website to learn more about geoengineering, particularly the real truth behind it. It’s why those of us doing this work (busting towers and destroying the frequency fence) use the word “parasites” to describe the enemy who's behind all of this.
2020 was only hot and dry because some psychopaths had control with HAARP and other frequency weapons. They also caused the collective mindset and its energy to plummet with the Wuhan Wiggle agenda. If you start doing your research on geoengineering and the solution to it, which is Orgone energy, you'll be continuously reminded that thoughts become things, and the parasites know this; hence the perpetual matrix of fear porn, doom, and gloom.
We just wrapped up four days of rain followed by three days of snow, and what do you know, it’s raining again. It’s only January. I’m fairly certain 2021 will be the wettest year on record. It’s also (so far) one of the coldest. Why? Because global warming is a hoax, and weather modification programs can be shut down using Orgone energy tools. All you have to do is gift Orgone devices around emf sources; specifically cell towers, 5G, smart meters, WiFi routers, power plants, and pretty much everywhere you find EMF devices, which contribute to the militarized HAARP frequency fence. Everything in the universe is frequency and vibration. This realm is plagued with frequency weapons used for the sole purpose of destroying nature and destroying humanity. Love to break it to them, but it ain’t gonna work, assuming more people get active with this stuff, and pronto! Orgone energy stops geoengineering. Also, the weather folks you see on TV are actors reading scripts. ALL OF THEM. Those scripts come from the same location as ALL WEATHER CONTENT for every program, every app, every radio station, broadcast, telecast, weather cast, spell cast, etc. They are a CAST of characters in and of themselves. They call it the forecast for a reason; because they cast the spell of deceptive weather manipulation onto the collective mindset before it happens. And when they plaster the phrase “We’re Your Weather Authority” on the idiot box and you watch it and believe it, you’ve consented and agreed that yes, they are in fact your authority for the weather. Learn more about how to identify this nonsense and how to shut down geoengineering by visiting my website #orgone #geoengineering #chemtrails #haarp #celltower #haarp
The name Orgonot comes from its cheap construction and lack of sufficient metal components; which can include metal shavings and/or metal powders, when made properly. In the Orgone community, there’s a general consensus that Orgone devices need a 50/50 composition of resin to metal. This includes shavings, filings, turnings, powder, fleck, and any significantly small piece of metal (think pencil shavings or smaller). Also, this does not include BBs. People love using BBs for reasons I can’t figure out nor do I want to, but if the piece contains ONLY BBs then I wouldn’t expect much of a transmutation of energy within EM fields. If you come to Sedona and visit one of its countless crystal shops, you’ll see plenty of Orgonot; basically a paper weight with a hefty price tag. In my view, this is a massive waste of money, and a shame that so many crystals have been ruined and trapped inside solid plastic, all because everyone and their mom's hairdresser want to jump on the crystal woo woo train. Uncomfortable truth full speed ahead; These devices are garbage. In my view, it’s incredibly irresponsible to dupe unsuspecting buyers who are seeking help to the EMF problem and trust these Orgonot makers who provide only non-functional crap with the misleading idea that the buyer is protecting themselves, their home, or anything else they want to protect from EMF. Call me a meanie if you want; it's far better than being a fraud.
If you would like my two cents regarding a particular orgone device you've purchased in order to verify if it's properly constructed, I would be happy to provide the input. Email me at [email protected].
If you’ve followed my work for at least a minute, you’d know it takes a lot of time, money, and energy to destroy enough HAARP towers to begin seeing results. I’m sorry if this person thought an agenda of this level could be solved with a magic wand and doing the bare minimum, but that’s a pretty stupid assumption on his part.
Like other Orgone gifters across the planet, this takes more time and effort than most could imagine. I record the number of towers I’ve busted and the pieces I've gifted inside my little black book, and there’s five years of busting my ass and spending a fortune doing this work. That doesn’t mean everyone needs to do that; but it means more people need to do this work; because there are hundreds of millions of HAARP/EMF sources. Every tower, every 5G pole, every smart meter, WiFi router, power plant, etc. needs to be busted. Got an Apple Watch? It’s HAARP. Got a Fitbit? HAARP. Got a Frigidaire smart stove or Maytag dryer with wifi? It's HAARP. Anything with an EMF emitting ability will create and sustain the frequency fence. I know, it's an uncomfortable truth. Pull up your Pampers, you’ll be fine. The reality is, this troll saw mass spraying in the sky after using some orgonite, because the parasites will come back full-force after you bust any of their precious HAARP toys. If anything, he should have been encouraged to know they were trying extra hard to spray, because in reality, he destroyed part of their food source and they were pissed. If you don’t like my page or content, it’s still a free country, and you can easily ask the person holding a gun to your head and forcing you to follow me to please stop forcing you to follow me. But if you’re going to chime-in for a one-off trolling just because you lack patience to understand the magnitude of this agenda and how much work this takes, well... bless your heart, now go away. It's Tuesday! That means another day of gifting orgonite and busting towers around Arizona. It finally rained a bit too! More coming tomorrow and Thursday.
Anyway, I’m over the parasitic world. I’ve been gifting orgonite and busting towers for quite a while; but now, we’re in the 11th hour and 59th minute of the end game. I’m putting everything humanly possible into busting more towers, and doing it as quickly/thoroughly as possible. I often have this dream that everyone who follows my work begins busting towers too, and then I think of how magical the world will be when the GD frequency fence is finally destroyed.
Orgone energy STOPS geoengineering. Visit my website to learn more. And if you’re in Arizona or you benefit from my work, tutorials, and the resources I make available for free, it would be dandy if you’d consider supporting my work. Towerbusting on this level is a massive endeavor, and here in Arizona (especially Sedona) I can’t find others gifting and busting towers; only those pushing overpriced crystal novelties encased in clear plastic. Everyone wants to sell orgonite. None want to gift it or bust towers. I also see people around here charge $1000+ to learn how to make it, which you can do for Free99 on my website and a handful of others. Please start busting towers, and please consider supporting my work. Everything I gift comes out of my own pockets, and everything I sell in my shop is invested directly back into gifting. Now, off to get a full night’s sleep (I vaguely recall having one of those back in 2019). Tomorrow a.m. I start planning for next week’s adventure.
I’m sure many of you know this, but for the elitist energy folks in the back, this problem (geoengineering, mind control, frequency war) is not going away on it’s own, and no amount of ignoring it simply because it’s a negative topic will make it go away any more quickly. Fortunately, Orgone energy stops geoengineering!
There’s a major shortage of people like myself gifting Orgone devices and busting towers to stop geoengineering; especially in the etherically-elitist Mecca of Sedona, where most energy workers and “healers” pretend this problem doesn’t exist because acknowledging it means they live in a world that is sometimes outside of their control. If you want your control back, go bust some frequency weapons that are holding down humanity. This isn’t jet propulsion engineering. For every problem the universe creates, it also creates the solution. Please use this solution and start busting some towers. Then and only then will the collective have a real chance for creating a better reality.
For those who would love to pretend this isn’t happening like 99 percent of the “consciousness community” around here, or to attend a sun-gazing or solar event that’s pretty useless until this sun-obstructing frequency war is resolved, please check your local Whole Foods bulletin board.
I am baffled by the number of “light beings” around here who enjoy lashing people with their etherical miracle whip, completely ignoring this problem in the sky, which has been ramped up over Arizona since the toilet paper shortage in March 2020. I’ve met countless people in this “community,” and it seems the majority are in denial about this realm, pretending what they see in the sky isn’t their reality. It’s all “we’re all in this together,” and “unity consciousness,” until it’s back to “you’re on your own, bitch...” because fighting the frequency war is a lot of work, and it’s much easier to sit around a pile of crystals at one of the many energy vortexes that have been shut off by the parasites’ frequency weapons. The land here is sacred. It is so sad the number of people here who know me and know I’m busting towers and donating chembusters and putting myself in sketchy situations trying to gift Orgone devices around Arizona towers. They have no problem asking for free orgonite for their retreats and guests, but God forbid they bust a tower. Hell, they even turn-down my offers to bury FREE earth pipes around their land. Perhaps the reason the Grand Conjunction/solstice didn’t turn you into an X-men yet is because those frequency downloads you tout are being “ctrl+alt+deleted” by frequency weapons (along with medical needle poison, GMOs, and fluoride. This problem goes away when we as humans make it go away. Please start busting towers.
Ps, Orgone energy stops geoengineering. Those of us out there destroying the HAARP/5G f*ckery could really use your help... It’s bad enough the newcagers pretend this negative schidt doesn’t exist; but to carry this weight while so many people know this is a problem but then expect others to solve it alone is really tiring to say the least, and royally f*cked up to say the most. As for anyone out there actually helping, you are so few and far between, and I hope some day to be able to thank you personally for helping this cause.
To learn more about geoengineering and (more importantly) how to stop it, visit my website #orgone #frequency #weathermodification #chemtrails #geoengineering #haarp #celltower #collectiveconsciousness #wilhelmreich #towerbuster #chembuster #pyramid #earthpipe #chi #prana #emf #dor #parasites
UPDATE: Apparently the humor was lost on this post. “I lost them on a boating accident” is a somewhat common joke that firearms owners use; to say that if the government ever comes looking for your guns, you say they were lost in a boating accident. No, I was not in a boating accident. The boxes of orgonite were gifted today. All good things for Arizona!
#Orgone #towerbuster #earthpipe #chembuster #frequency #scalarwave #chemtrails #geoengineering #haarp #celltower #emf #dor #wilhelmreich #towerbuster #collectiveconsciousness The following text is posted on our refrigerator. I recite it each morning and night with as much intention as my existence can direct toward it. I recommend every human who wants to be free do the same, including whatever variations you want to include:
This text is taken from the book, Spirit Whirled: The Blackest of All Magick, by Dylan Saccoccio, known as @julys_end on IG. I bought these books out of curiosity. Saying it was a great decision would be an understatement.
In recognition of the Summer Solstice I want to share something I've been researching the last few months, waiting for the perfect opportunity to share it with anyone who resonates with my work, maintains an open mind, and comprehends the notion that our reality contains energies that in the simplest terms could be described as magic. This post is meant for anyone out there choosing to wake up from the matrix and realize the real lies with their real eyes. The following also pertains to the truth about everything in the universe being frequency, vibration, and energy. And a final disclaimer to anyone reading this with significant skepticism, I simply ask you to keep an open mind before you brush this off. There is a magical component to this reality that we can only learn from our own exploration and search for the truth. In February of 2020, I attended a water ceremony with some friends here in Sedona, Arizona. While my beliefs and reasoning for attending are not important to this story, the gist of this ceremony included a small group of individuals joined together to show appreciation for the high energy water source running through Sedona (known as Oak Creek). While not my usual cup of tea, I was curious to see what this ceremony entailed, so I accepted the invitation. In my experience, I firmly believe water is the key to all natural life in this realm, which makes this a prime reason the parasites continually geoengineer the planet to shutdown the natural rain cycle and cause drought. One question I receive often is "why would they want to stop the rain," to which my response is always "let me count the ways." If think about it, life stops when you stop the rain; plain and simple. In addition, I remind people regularly that if you like eating food, then you should probably appreciate the rain too. If you shut off the rain then you shut off the food supply. For those who follow my work in using Orgone energy to shutdown geoengineering and restore the rain cycle, it's also worth noting that 5G technology does not function properly when it rains (hint hint); but more on that specific topic later. Back to this water ceremony... During this event, I met a very lovely and peculiar woman named Humming Bird (I'll call her HB for now), who introduced me to something called The Water Song. According to HB, this song is performed by the Algonquin for a number of purposes related to water. The song originated around 2002, being used for an ancient ceremony that at the time was being revived. I'll link the specifics of its history, how it's been used, and the general story down below this post. For purposes of this piece I'm writing, I'll summarize. HB explained the logistics of the song, its importance to the women of the world, who are the keepers of the water (although anyone can sing this song, not just women). She told me the tribe has performed this song when encountering natural water sources, including those known to be contaminated, in order to cleanse it of contaminants, restructure it, and make it beneficial to the human body for consumption. HB told me that, to date, no one has fallen ill after consuming from any water source where they performed this song over the water prior to consuming it. I'm expressing this directly from her words. Additionally, and this is the biggest ah-ha moment for me in learning about water and its connection to energy and consciousness, HB told me the tribe sang this song to various samples of water and then submitted them to Dr. Masaru Emoto. If you aren't already familiar, Dr. Emoto was the famous (but not mainstream famous) scientist who discovered water contains a memory, holds a consciousness-based energy with genetic codes, and can be structured and de-structured to change its frequency and vibration, ultimately impacting all life forms in and around it. That includes you. HB said that all of the samples sent to Dr. Emoto had in fact been restructured and crystallized, just as Emoto had done through his research and experiments. In a nut shell, she was saying the frequency of the song held the frequency of love and high frequency vibrations. As soon as I heard this tidbit about Dr. Emoto, it caught my immediate attention; because not so long ago, I watched a fascinating documentary called Secret of Water, highlighting one of the biggest mind-benders and red pills I've ever swallowed; that our water is literally life and magic! I'll come back to this, along with information on how to watch this documentary for free. You won't be disappointed. While I can't recite the water ceremony word-for-word, the part I remember most vividly was the few minutes when the group performed this song. I remember vividly because I was watching the sky at the time we sang it just prior to sunset hours. If you know me and follow my work with geoengineering and Orgone energy, you know there are few people on Earth staring at the sky more often than me. Not a moment goes by when I'm not watching, theorizing, and documenting what's happening above us. This particularly day included some of the heaviest chemtrail spraying and attempts at blocking the late afternoon sky and sunset I've ever seen. That said, as the group sang this song, the sky began to open up, revealing blue hues, the bright sun beaming down, and what seemed like hundreds of parasites flying around with their spray planes, scurrying along like cockroaches who just had a bright light shined on them. Out of respect for the event's leaders who were not observing this transmutation as I was, I opted to keep my thoughts to myself and make mental notes for later. I wondered at that time if the frequency of the song was affecting the water in the atmosphere and transmuting the negative energy and HAARP frequencies used to create DOR (deadly Orgone radiation aka electrosmog), which creates those large white canopy covers that block-out the Sun and fry the rain clouds. Considering the Emoto testing, I wondered if perhaps the geoengineering agenda (despite its countless connected agendas) might include the root agenda of de-structuring water. When you consider the links to HAARP and 5G technology, rain suppression, and what 5G does to bust water and destroy the oxygen molecules that allow it to be absorbed in the body, it's easy to see the connections, assuming your brain isn't heavily fluoridated of course. Also, when you learn about Emoto's experiments you realize how much intentional effort is directed at de-structuring humanity's water supplies and the endless attempts to make our water literally "dead." On a more personal note, I've thought for quite some time that regardless of what's being sprayed, the ultimate purpose of geoengineering is to use frequency weapons to suppress humanity's consciousness and its development. As water is now known to have consciousness and literally give us life (and life force), these connections become all-the-more obvious. Have you ever noticed the uptick in cell towers being placed on water towers (hint hint)? The parasites know something about water that most humans have yet to rediscover. More on that topic in a bit. Fast forward to being alone in my garage a week later, I decided to conduct an experiment using this song. I would say it took all of five minutes to realize what was happening to know I stumbled on a key that can be used in tandem with my own energy work to restore the rain cycle and stop geoengineering. Here are some instances below of where I sang the song on a continual repeat, while meditating with a large chembuster device. At the time of singing during these days, Sedona's forecast showed anywhere from a zero to 10 percent chance of rain, something I've come to learn means the sprayers will be out in droves to stop it, and the odds are slim-to-none for any rainfall actually hitting the ground. I figured these moments were prime time for singing, to see if the song held any frequency power to give Mother Nature a nudge with the rain. Not only did it work, but each time it resulted is massive energy shifts, drops in temperature, increases of heavy wind, and in some cases lightning storms and hail; lots of hail. Additionally, I have used this song in meditation while in my shop making Orgone devices, and have found that it affects the DOR (deadly orgone radiation aka elctrosmog) by clearing it up, almost like it's on-command. That's not to say it clears everything, but every time I would sing it, the sunlight peering into my garage would get brighter. When stepping outside to see what's going on, it was obvious the DOR was transmuting more quickly than usual. When I've done this exercise during heavy chemtrail days, I've visualized the song as an energetic bubble over chemtrail planes, which 99 percent of the time causes the trail to cease from the back of the plane and the plane quickly disappears. Yes, I'm aware this sounds a bit unreal to some people, but I challenge others to try it before making a judgment about it. There is something magical happening to the sky, the atmosphere, and all of the water molecules throughout everything. Considering water is the greatest energy conductor (seriously, why else do you think they put cell tower panels on water towers and nuke plants near waterways), it's fairly obvious there's an energy component to this. I've said for some time, this agenda is all about energy and frequency.
I want to point out the first two instances of thunderstorms with heavy hail that I experienced had occurred on February 22 and 23, which I wasn't prepared to record at the time. Still, I do have video in complete darkness with a timestamp and obvious hail falling during these days, should a troll parasite come out of the woodwork to demand the receipts. For this blog piece, I'm omitting it because it's just a black screen. Back to the song... Soon after my realization of this song's magical power (for lack of a better descriptor), I shared it with the two friends who act as my trifecta friendship of weather warriors spread throughout the southern parts of the United States. Together, we share insights and updates regarding all forecasts, parasite shenanigans, military activity, new device creations and gifting adventures, and work together using collective knowledge to cover massive areas of land and sky being blasted with HAARP/frequency weapons. After sharing this song with both of these friends, they mentioned similar results; with increased rainfall and huge energy shifts with their localized weather. Upon sharing this song with others outside my regular Orgone circle, they mentioned similar results as well. This, along with my continual study of its effects the last few months, has encouraged me to finally share it with those willing to listen with open minds and hearts. SING THE WATER SONG (WITH CAPTIONS) Anyone who's followed my work for a while knows that I rarely step out from behind the camera; however, at the risk of wearing a significant amount of heart on my sleeve, my intuition told me to share this with anyone out there willing to listen and give it a try themselves. This is how the water song goes, captions included. Also, in my experience, the key has not mattered, so much as the words and intention.
ORGONE ENERGY AND THE WATER SONG Many of you have heard about the water test. If you haven't, it's basically a test of Orgone devices (like orgonite), where you place a cup of water above an Orgone device and place them both in the freezer, leaving it undisturbed until the water is completely frozen. The result is a scalarwave vortex aka Orgone energy frozen throughout the restructured water, similar to the restructuring process of Dr. Emoto's water tests. As a side note, if you live in a cold climate that experiences freezing temperatures regularly, throw a (properly constructed) towerbuster into a bird bath with water and come back in 24 hours. What typically happens is the water vortex extends out beyond the top of the bath like a long spiraled arm several feet into the air, which most non-believers of these devices have no explanation for, and it's quite a sight to see. I live in Sedona, so I haven't been able to do this since my time in Chicago. That said, if you put something like an Orgone pyramid inside your refrigerator, pay attention to your ice cube trays in the freezer up top! Your organic produce should also last longer in the crisper, but that's another story for another day. Here are some of my water tests below. As I said, when you place a (properly constructed) Orgone device like a towerbuster inside the freezer and place a cup of water over the top and leave it to freeze for a day, you will end up with a scalar vortex pattern frozen into the water. Don't use glass containers. They will most likely explode. Not crack, not shatter; they will explode. Please use caution! SO THE MORAL OF THE STORY IS THIS In my experience, this song holds power to transmit a frequency capable of restructuring life's most vital resource, in a world where there are forces intentionally trying to do the opposite. As I share this information on the Summer Solstice (which is debatable, given that the Gregorian calendar is anything but truthful), there is still an energy in the collective at this time. I believe this song may be used to do a number of positive things for nature and humanity, least of all assist with breaking down of the geoengineering agenda. In my experience, I believe this song helps restructure the water sources throughout this planet, and aids in the restoration of the natural rain cycle; ending drought and reestablishing the natural life force of this realm. I strongly encourage each and every human being alive to take a moment today, tomorrow, and continually from time to time, to meditate using this song, especially when rain is in your forecast. I also encourage singing the song to your own water prior to consuming it, and pay attention to any positive changes in your health and well-being. The human body is composed of lots of water (which again, is a prime reason behind the parasitic 5G frequency agenda), but because of this magical substance, the frequency of this song should also be impacting you physically, mentally, and spiritually. I would love to hear feedback from anyone out there utilizing this song in their life. I truly believe with enough positive intention and enough human-power, this gift of song will transform so many aspects of this reality for the ultimate better of Mother Nature and Mankind. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, observations, or experiences regarding the use of this song. You can email me at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you, and on behalf of Gaia, Mother Nature, my friends in Orgone, and (I think it's safe to assume) humanity in general, thank you! Oh, and lastly, please take a moment to explore the song in depth, directly from the source. The link below was given to me by a friend who discovered it shortly after I shared with her my experience learning the song and meeting Hummingbird. Also see below for access to watch the Documentary Secret of Water for free! LEARN MORE ABOUT THE WATER SONG For a complete history and other information regarding The Water Song, visit, or click the video below to watch the original as sung by the Algonquin. WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY SECRET OF WATER At the present time, the documentary Secret of Water is only available online at the website Gaia TV. I have no idea why this is the only place it exists, but with that said, I have synced the documentary from my temporary Gaia TV account down below. Please enjoy watching this documentary for free until it expires on Wednesday, November 18, 2020. After 11/18, you can still watch this documentary for free by signing up for a Gaia TV free trial, which is similar to the Netflix process; and anyone who wants to enjoy their content for a 7-Day free trial can do so and then cancel their subscription prior to being billed for anything. It's super easy, barely an inconvenience! Click below to watch Secret of Water for free! PLEASE CONSIDER SUPPORTING MY WORK
If this or any of my other work resonates with you, please consider making a donation toward my gifting efforts by clicking the donate button below. If you would like to sponsor and fund a chembuster device in the Southwestern Desert, please email me at [email protected] and we'll chat! |